
WOMEN DRIVERS.Why ,whenever there is a hold up,up in the distance,most males say"i bet its a woman" only to

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find, that invariably,im sad to say,they are seldom disappionted.




  1. It's total B.S. men and women drivers have their responsibility not sense it blaming the "opposite s*x"...Silly boys and girls.  Inconsiderate drivers and governments are to blame in my opinion.

  2. I bet I have been up your a** in the hammer lane, and you were to busy jerking yourself!! So why do men do that, driving down the highway?? I set a few feet taller than you, so I have seen you doing this, with my bird's eye view. But I tried to not tell. I guess me being a female, I'm a blabber mouth too......right!! Yes ladies, while these sexist men are bobbing their heads, they really aren't listening to music, their just whacking the ol' sausage!! Oh!! and to answer your question, I have found that you may be right. That, or old men. Usually driving mini-van's and Honda crv's.

  3. Its just a man thing,i suppose.

  4. Good question, because women have other things distracting them maybe, like kids and friends on the phone.

  5. Go to this site for loads of fun!:

  6. Actually I am a woman and  -I-  do always blame bad driving and the likes on women because...

    I'm in Utah and it's mostly the women who are the rude drivers.  They tailgate, don't pay attention when on their cell phones, cut you off like crazy, you see women pulled over by cops most of the time.....

    This all of course excluding myself.  I'm such a defensive and super safe driver.  I'm constantly on the watch for stupid drivers around me so I've been quite safe from any wrecks and stupid driving behaviors.

    additional note:

    Wow 'woman truck driver'.  You sound like a rude and unsafe driver, is this why I scare you?  Because I'm safe and you're not?  You are so backward.  I used to be considerate to semi-drivers when they needed in my lane, but because of you, I'll think I'll be a jerk to all female semi drivers from now on!  One of them will eventually have to be you.  Can't wait.

    Wow!  I have SO much power that I can scare a female truck driver!!  I rock!

  7. It's a stereotype that females drive slow, while males drive fast because they wish to race.

  8. Just  easy...... many times they are wrong.  Most men won't admit it easily.

  9. Yes it always happens and the truth is that male drivers tend to drive more aggressively than women and display their aggression in a direct manner, rather than indirectly. Furthermore, as a rule of thumb, male drivers are more likely than women to break the law, and the male of the species tends to be more of a risk-taker.

  10. its cause we're so good at multi tasking, we do occcassionallyy get off track. but it's only cause they have a gazillionth of the ammount to do or concentrate on than us.

  11. This is your dream world...we do not live there with you...we just try to understand it.

    God knows why?.......

  12. I'm a man and I'm the shittest driver in the world.

  13. There's no question in my mine that many woman are prone to several very bad habits on the road-- tailgating and general timid handling/turing come to mind. Men are not without their bad habits-- such as aggressive and risky behaviors. I'd say more often than not it's a woman actually slowing traffic down.

  14. It's prejudice mostly but I do have girlfriends who sometimes seem to forget they are driving on a busy main road and start doing odd things with their cars.

  15. It's funny, men pay more in car insurance because they are the least safe drivers...theres a fact, what you are saying is just ignorance.

  16. You have answered your own question really.

  17. And fair play to the women in front who is slowing things down so that we can all enjoy the scenery and not get killed by driving too fast. Good for her!

  18. I don't know why there are so many answers mentioning accidents - it wasn't mentioned in the question.

    The answer to your question is, "because they are nearly always right". It's just experience, I suppose - holdups are caused so many times by women, they just assume it WILL be a woman.

  19. I am a woman but I agree with you, I am c**p at driving as when a male tries to race me or cuts in front of me I just smile and think what a tw*t.  ( sarcasm)

  20. like mina said its because of the past and most males to blame girls because they are stubborn lol

  21. Women are more likely to cause accidents that won't stop traffic for more than a few minutes than men are.

    Men are more likely to cause accidents that close entire highways for hours than women are.

    Men cause WORSE accidents.

    But women cause MORE accidents.

    The distinctions to be made are fine, and for many, confusing.

    It ultimately comes down to:  

    More men drive RECKLESSLY.

    More women drive INATTENTIVELY.

  22. No with me - I'm speedy - every morning this little old man is in front of me when I'm going to work - he does it on purpose = I leave 10 mins early and hes there etc.... and he drives at 35 miles per hours in the national speed limit and really annoys me,.

  23. Thank you!

    I personally think most women make horibble drivers. And you can always.. 99.9999% of the time tell when its a woman behind the wheel. the other .00001%, its usually an old man/woman, but theres an excuse for that.

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