
WOMEN: Have you ever flaunted your assets to get out of a ticket?

by Guest33054  |  earlier

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If so, what did you do?




  1. they flaunt their assets to get out of liabilities. its pure accounting stuff

  2. THe only time I've ever been pulled over was for expired plates and I was 7 mos pregnant. Unless he had a pregnancy fetish, there wouldn't have been much I could flaunt.

  3. My wife freely admits that she uses her physical appearance to get out of moving violations.

    Last I heard, she has been pulled over at least 50 times since she was 16 (that's 9 years) and been involved in 3 collisions, and received one $40 ticket that was only issued because "he had already started writing it". She will show more cleavage or midriff, and immediately be let off with a warning. I've sat shotgun while she does this, and it's frighteningly effective.

    I, on the other hand, have been pulled over 4 times since I was 16 (that's 9 years) and been involved in no collisions, and received two tickets totaling $185.

    But then, I'm also not a 5'4" blonde with a pair of 36Ds and an ability to cry on command.

    Unfortunately, showing cleavage or midriff to the officers didn't work out as well for me though. Sexist pigs.

    Guess whose insurance premiums are higher?

  4. What, have i ever flashed at a ticket inspector? Is that what you're asking? No, I don't flash at men, funnily enough.

  5. LOL, NO!  I would not have to as I have several cousins that are police officers and I know a lot of their friends as they are always dropping by for a quick bite.  =P  

  6. Not on purpose but it has worked out that way on many occasions anyways, and my husband HATES that mostly because he can't get out of a single ticket doesn't matter if the cop is a man or a woman.  Poor guy, I feel bad for him.    

  7. sorry, no, I haven't  <shrug>

  8. Uh. . . no.  I don't think it'd work, because I don't have that kind of people skills.  I suspect I got off with a warning the only time I've been pulled over (knock on wood) in 10+ years because I'd been driving for probably 8 years without even that much by that point.

  9. No I don't actually. I know there is women that do and they want a 1 night stand. I don't agree with those though.

  10. No, but I have been asked to.

  11. Heck no. God forbid I ever do something so stupid. I've only ever had one ticket and I paid the loathesome thing in full. Didn't even try to flirt my way out of it. Blech. I have no respect for that.

  12. Nope-haven't tried to bribe anyone to get out of a ticket-have you?

    When I was young I did cry once or twice, but I got over that quickly.

  13. I'm so s**y they can see it from a distance and I don't even get pulled over in the first place.

    *brushes shoulder off*

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