
WOMEN: How do you guys normally show your BOYFRIEND that you love them???

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Guys will normally do the classical gentleman type of things like opening the door and buying flowers and etc....

How do you WOMEN normally show your boyfriend that you love them?






  1. I love and enjoy cooking for my man, I like cooking him simple things like grilled cheese and pasta and packing him popcorn when he goes to work grill things together outside, cooking together is fun, and while he's in the shower I'll get his clothes ready for him and I'll drop off and pick him up at work or I like when he has his guy friends come over and they play video games and let them just chill and not interfere. I dunno little things like that to make him feel good I just like to take care of him, let him lay his head on my shoulder while he sleeps anything that makes him comfortable I will do anything for him.

  2. Kisses, hugs, attention, food, fun, joking, and lots of s*x. He knows I love him.

  3. Cooking fabulous vegetarian meals - when time and energy permits.  I can open my own doors and buy myself flowers: that doesn't require many hours of preparation.  Its the effort that goes into the task that matters.  

    Any moron can "cook" dead animal carcasses: its fast and easy and disgusting.

    BTW: cut flowers are usually imported from developing countries where the people processing them are subject to all kinds of noxious pesticides and herbicides that aren't permitted for use in the developed world.  There are diseases including cancer and birth defects associated with them.  Its usually peasant women who do this hazardous work; they are so poor they don't have a choice. I never, ever buy cut flowers and wouldn't have them in my house because of the dangers they pose.   Organic florists are increasing in popularity as more becomes known about the subject but I think they're just a waste of money anyway.  I would much prefer a living plant - which actually cleans the air - and I have lots and lots of those.

  4. I'll cook or bake something, but usually we just snuggle....

  5. I sit down with him and listen to his problems. He tends to stew over things for a long time, and it annoys most people, but as much as it annoys me, I care about him too much not to abandon him.

    He doesn't do much of the gentleman stuff for me. He knows I don't like it.

  6. BJ

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