
WOMEN: If a man physically threatened you, would you react or would you just chalk it up to momentary insanity

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I know it depends on the situation, but let me give you one for example: Suppose you were in someone's living room having an impromptu gathering. (No drinking yet) The group starts to discuss something like politics or religion. You give an opinion on something and the guy sitting next to you (not a friend, an acquaintence) says, "I will slap your face b*tch" and maybe punches you in the arm--not enough to leave a mark, but enough to make everyone else in the room get quiet. Would you proceed to kick his a s s? Or just ignore it...?

I would knock the person in the chair next to me out of it and proceed to skull the b*****d! (I wouldn't hit the guy, because most guys have stronger upper body power...) Now, that might be becasue I have a terrible temper... however, it is also because NO ONE (man or woman) puts their hands on me without permission. NO ONE should touch anyone for any reason...especailly to espress violence UNLESS it is for DEFENSE.

How do you feel?




  1. That sounds like a joke to me to be honest or someone with psychological problems.

    I don't fully agree that no one should touch anyone for any reason however .... that just sounds batshit crazy.

  2. I'd leave. If you physically threaten or touch the guy-you could be in legal trouble yourself.

    These are not good people to be around--I would not associate with people that have acquaintances or friends that threaten to slap me and/or feel it is appropriate to touch me without my permission-and especially that they feel they have the right to touch me in anger! If this guy would do this when many people are present-what could they do to you if you were left alone with this jerk; or left with only a couple of acquaintances like him?

    I had something like this happen around me when a girl friend wanted me to meet some new "friends". The new friends got mad and punched my girl friend in the arm-hard-so hard she almost cried. I was outraged and wanted to leave and my girl friend couldn't understand why I was upset. I said if this is how they treat you when they consider you a friend-what will they do when they really don't like you? Think about it.

  3. I'd probably say something like 'I'll slit your testicles and wear them for earrings douche-bag"

  4. I'd ask him if he wanted to go, and if he did, we would. And I'd bust his a-ss.

  5. I'd just stare at him like he's an insecure dipsh!t.

  6. First of all: Patois and others who answered with a full court martial suggestion, calm down. From the way Aundine put it, it sounds like it's just a situation so that everyone doesn't answer with "it depends on the situation". Even it it really happened to her, come on, there's a bunch of other people in the room and since he didn't even punch her hard enough to leave a mark, calling the cops is a bit of an overreaction. But that would be a good thing to threaten him with to scare him and keep him from doing it again.

    I do agree, though, that if anyone did that, especially someone you don't know well, and called me a b**** I would get sooo pissed. But instead of tattling to the police like a little kid who's had his toy broken by another kid, I'd use words. I'd stand up to show him how mad I was, and I'd be like, "Excuse me? You do not punch me or talk to me like that ever again. If you're not man enough to consider everyone's opinions rationally and talk about them like a civil person, you can just leave the discussion. And if you ever touch me again, believe me, I will call the cops." Lol the silence in that room would be reeally awkward. . .

  7. I'd yell at him and either leave or tell him 2 leave! And then alert the proper authorities, i hav been threatened....

  8. I would have looked at him and asked him if his medical insurance was all paid up.

  9. I totally agree with you, I would freak out on someone too if they turned to me and said that too me especially if they were not my friends.  I think if a person wants to say stupid **** they should be ready for the consequences!

  10. I would definitely proceed in beating the daylights out of that man. No woman should ever be treated in that manner. To simply ignore someone saying that would make me feel terribly for years to come.

  11. Such a troublemaker should be removed from the premises immediately.  If the person wasn't removed, then I would leave in protest and never associate with these people again.  But then again I don't hang out with people who have 'friends' like this.

  12. Well, I'm a softy, so I'd actually feel sorry for this guy and realize he must have some major medical issues (I have met some people like this in my life who are bipolar and all, never who were physically aggressive, but really mentally aggressive). As long as it was only a punch and I didn't have to fight back, I wouldn't. Instead I'd call the police on this guy and not press charges as long as he agrees that he needs to get some help, and if he was the slight bit reasonable, I think he would. Same with a woman.

  13. I would ask the hostess for a pad and pen, and start taking down the names of the witnesses, leave and go straight to the police dept. report the battery, and then go to the Dr for photos of the bruises to use in Court.

    Battery is against the law, and you can sue for monetary damages in civil court.

    I just got that guys car!

  14. i'd say something to him but i wouldn't kick his a s s . i'd be like "c' mon man was that really necessary? and you didn't need to call her a ****** she's a lady"

  15. You remove yourself from danger immediately and call 911.  If you have any questions about that get counseling for your low-self esteem or cognitive disorder.  NEVER deviate from that course of action.  Make it a rule.  Get smarter and worry less about upper body strength.  You sound like a girl who's going to get raped, just based on the lowlife you have as "acquaintences".

    Edit: Aundine, if you do not get like bone rational about threats of violence, you're going to be the victim of violence.  It's our rational zero-tolerance response as women to threats of violence that will reduce the violence.  Tolerating male domestic violence leads to more domestic violence.

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