
WOMEN do u agree with this statement and WHY?

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McCain Doesn't Get It: Women are not that stupid.

Maybe he was sick of the lack of media attention…maybe he had enough of the late night talk show hosts poking fun at his age…maybe he realized that belonging to a party that has been associated with rich, white men was not going to connect with voters in this historical election year. Or maybe he was just ready to take back some of the spotlight that has shined so brightly on Barack Obama and the Democrats since the beginning of the Democratic convention. Desperation can motivate people to make some pretty cynical and hypocritical decisions. Whatever the reason, John McCain’s Hail Mary-- in the form of Vice Presidential pick Governor Sarah Palin--sent a very clear message to America about how he views female voters. Women, he thinks, will vote another woman into office regardless of the candidate's values, experience and political positions.

No one can dispute that this decision was micro-targeted to the small percentage of Independent and Democratic women residing in the Rocky Mountain West, who strongly supported Hillary Clinton in the primary and still find themselves undecided as we move into the general election. Unfortunately, what John McCain failed to realize is that after eight long and destructive years of George W. Bush, d**k Cheney and their cronies, American voters will not fall prey to political ploys once again.

For months, John McCain and the Republicans went after Barack Obama for lacking the experience they felt was necessary in order to be commander in chief. Yet, on this day, an aging John McCain, who is the oldest Presidential nominee in history, chose a running mate—a person that is just a heart beat away from the Presidency—that has no foreign policy experience, no national experience and limited state government experience…. a virtual unknown who has only been Governor for a less than 2 years of a state with a population of fewer than 680,000 people…a woman who condemns a woman’s right to choose.

I believe John McCain chose Gov. Palin because he truly believes that women who supported Hillary—an experienced, brilliant, life-long public servant--would vote for him because his Vice President has two x chromosomes. McCain’s selection of Governor Palin is a transparent and irresponsible decision all in the name of trying to win this election.

John McCain has served this country. No one in this election is denying him that. But his selection of Governor Palin has demonstrated that he is willing to put his desperation to win this election above the welfare of the American people. As someone who has spent over 40 years advocating on behalf of women both politically and philanthropically, as someone who was a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton and as someone who cares deeply about the health and welfare of all women, hear me Senator McCain: “This calculated, cynical ploy to pull away a small percentage of Hillary's women voters from Barack Obama will not work. We are not that stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”




  1. Is this the same McCain that makes the oven chips?

  2. Your full rant was a complete, deliberate, and blatant slap in the face to women of authority in government. Or was it just an attack on Sen. Palin?  Either way you have overlooked the fact that Obama has no foreign affairs experience either and that's the reason he chose his running mate. Also Obama has only been a senator for two years and look at the bankrupt state he represents. Instead you would rather bash McCain for choosing someone as vice president who is more qualified than the democratic nominee. Way to support women.


  3. This is in R&S...why?

    Maybe the Dems are moire afraid of her then I originally believed?

    Palin has more experience in an executive office than Obama, yet we are told to over look his in experience.

    Palin has had to balance a state's budget, run the National Guard AND fight corrupt government.

    What exactly ahs Obama done?

    He was a lawyer before he became a Senator, and ever sense he's been a Senator he's done little else than run for President.

    So what are his qualifications? Running for office, that's it!

    Yeah, women are smart, and I for one am smart enough to see how scared the dems are of losing this election right now!  

  4. Are you speakn of the McCain that WILL make President? must be a O'Bama zombie

  5. I felt that too, When he picked Palin as a women, I thought, "does he think that people who would vote for Hilary now vote for him because of Palin?  

  6. Ok. Now c'mon. Palin is a hockey mom. Do we really require anymore experience than that?? I bet Biden never was a hockey Mom. That, on top of being a former beauty queen, makes her the best candidate ever. Plus, she's governed the equivalent of 1/5 of Chicago's population so she's totally qualified there too. Did someone really say she has more experience than Obama? Let's take a closer look at that.

    Obama was a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he served as president of the Harvard Law Review.

    Palin was a high-school basketball star. She earned the nickname "Sarah Barracuda" because of her intense play.

    Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.

    Palin won the Miss Wasilla beauty contest, then finished second in the Miss Alaska pageant, at which she won a college scholarship. In the Wasilla pageant, she played the flute and won "Miss Congeniality."

    Obama was elected to the Senate in November 2004 with 70% of the vote.

    She may even have more bite to her bark. Back in Wasilla, a town with less than 10,000 people, where she was Mayor, she fired a well-liked and supported police chief for not supporting her political administration. What a go-getter she is. Palin strongly supports drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and she denies that global warming is caused by, or helped along by, human activity. She opposed listing of the polar bear as an endangered species, and supported a controversial predator-control program involving aerial hunting of wolves.

    Yeah, now that I think about it, I think Palin has much more experienced and is more qualified - plus, she has a v****a AND a lifetime membership with the NRA.

    Perhaps it would be best for us to take the word of the people she's already overseen.... In Alaska, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner published an unsigned editorial that opined Palin "is not ready for the top job." If her own state, which again has a population the size of 1/5 of Chicago, isn't backing her up... why should any of us?

  7. I am HAPPY for McCain's choice. He will make a great president! Great duo

  8. I completely 100% agree with what you're saying. I think though that since Barack Obama will possibly (and hopefully), become the first black president and he did have his acceptance speech on the anniversery of MLK's I have a dream speech that he needed to come out with something of his own 'first' the day after.

    I hope that women aren't so dumb that they see a female next to McCain and vote for him. I would be ashamed of women. If you want a man who wont change a thing, and be another george w bush, then sure he's just the man you're looking for.

    Rich old men aren't my kind of guys I want to rule this country.

  9. I prefer experience......I'm voting for McCain.

  10. Politics makes my left eye twitch. Pre stroke I think. Politics means many lies. I don't play that .

  11. I agree. I hate to hear people say I'm voting for Obama because he's black, Hillary because we need a woman in office, or McCain because he is a christian. I look at the issues-all of them and choose the candidates that best represent all of my beliefs. I don't agree with abortion, and I especially don't share Obamas views on late term abortion but I know that Roe vs Wade isn't going anywhere so I have to accept that for now and focus on the other issues, which leads me to support Obama.

    I would love to think that everyone else will do the same and choose a candidate because they research their past records and views of all issues. I hated hearing that a conservative republican soccer mom was chosen because she would take the votes of Clinton supporters, an experienced liberal democrat. Voters must also realize Palin has very little experience and Mccain is old and trying to take on a very stressful job, chances are Palin will become president. I don't know about everyone else but I would like to think someone with more than 3 years of experience is running the country.

    I hope most Americans are smart enough to vote on the issues.

  12. Barbara Streisand, LOL

    Anyway, Palin is a great choice on her merits and what she stands for.  The fact that she's female, might mean something to some people initially, but down the road, it is what she believes that will win people over.

  13. the_emrod: You are a genius of comedy. Will you marry me? ;)

  14. "I prefer experience......I'm voting for McCain."

    You voting for McCain Donna? Heh heh, good one..

    Seriously though, you should see the Rick Warren thing as to what level of thinking and 'experience' McCain's policies will be based upon. Look up the McCain & Obama 'debate' moderated by Rick Warren.

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