
WONDERING.....How many of you think that LONG ISLAND is now becoming too dangerous to raise children here??

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I have been watching the news and there are so many shootings and other crimes that are despicable....

My husband and I are now looking to relocate to Georgia because it is becoming a zoo on long island..




  1. I'd seriously consider moving too.  In fact, I did move from NY way back in the '80s and have never regretted my decision.  I don't want to sound as though I'm condemning NY ... There are many good aspects and benefits to living there.  However, for what I wanted and the changes I made in my lifestyle, NY seemed less attractive to me.  Consider your leisure time activity preferences, the differences in the pace of life, the tax situation, the cost of housing, crime, and other aspects of life that are important to you.

    Have you spent any time in the area you're considering?  Go down for a weekend, rent a car, and look around.  Take notes, talk about what you observe, and after assessing all those things, some people may clearly prefer NY.  Clearly, though, you sound ready to make the move.  Just consider these criteria carefully and the right decision will soon be much easier to make.  Good luck.

  2. i live on l.i. and never ever think its becoming too dangerous. i guess it depends on what neighboorhood ur in.  i mean if ur in wyndanch or hunting station or hempstead then maybe but only problem i see with l.i. is high taxes....its not l.i. it the world now a days!!!! where on l.i. are u from?

  3. i lived on long island all my life in plainview and i very rarely hear anything going on, like the others said it depends on where you are, but wherever you go there is crime everywhere. you are thinking about georgia? think again more crime there.

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