
WORLD WAR 3 help out.?

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i dont get it why the **** would ww3 start if ders notthing to gain from anybody. would the world not end, and how and when would it start.

and what are the chances of it starting.would anyone survive it.

what im saying is y start a war when every1 will die no1 will win.




  1. IS the world ending WW III scenario still plausible?

    I don't believe there are currently enough nuclear weapons to bring on the nuclear winter that was possible back in the Reagan years.

    Too many rich white folks have a stake in the world being peaceful enough in their backyard and de-stabilized in someone else's. If you're in the military I'd be sweating right now. Assume low intensity conflicts for the next 50 years like Iraq & Afghanistan. When is the last time huge formations have met on the battlefield, 15 years ago?  

  2. World War Three will happen some day but will most likely be triggered by some smaller country doing something stupid and then the rest getting drug in by treaties.  Other way it would start is if some politicians in a major power get really crazy and does something directly to the other; in short WW3 if it happens will be because of a mistake made by some one else.  Examples would be Israel and Syria go to war and the Israelis take the country then start on Iran so the Russians help Iran and we help Israel and things grow from there; another example is North korea attacks South Korea and we move to help South Korea and the Chinese decide to help the north and again things get worse because we cross in to China which drags Russia in to it.  I don't think Russia, China or the US will directly attack one or the other it will be a escalation of a smaller conflict involving friends/allies or a major misjudgment by politicians.

  3. Gunny C is completely right that is how it will happened. If a nuclear war does happen it will not kill us all. Man has the greatest ability to adapt and build things neccessary to survive, that is what makes us, us. If enough nuclear bombs were dropped it would s***w up our atmosphere. There are a lot of smart scientists in the world and the surviving remaining would discover a way to fix everything after the wars stop. "Man is lazy and stupid at times, but man is an innovative people. Given enough time a man could almost do anything, whether it it building a machine capable of sending men to the moon or creating a weapon capable of destroying the world." -Me
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