
WOW, Obama's speech was very weak, awful?

by  |  earlier

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IS it because there were no coaches on teleprompter?




  1. Give me a break dude. That was an excellent speech, people are crying in the audience. He channeled Dr. King with that speech. Obviously you're republican. I suggest you change soon.

  2. You must be for McCaine, he needs a hearing aid check up too,just like you.This was the best speeche i ever heard. I am for Hillary but she was right, he is great!

  3. WOW, your question was very weak, awful.

  4. obama spews out talking points.  He doesn't have any substance.  He has no record, the most liberal senator in the senate yet because he can give a great speech, some people buy into it.  

  5. It really wasn't.  I am not an Obama supporter, but he is a fantastic orator.  

  6. Like the sharp operator he is, he told them exactly what they wanted to hear, that he is the magic fairy who will change their lives and make everything better if they vote for him. He is so full of cow manure it is pathetic.

  7. You want to rephrase that sweety?

  8. His teleprompter was probably malfunctioning.

  9. It was one of the best and most inspiring speeches I have heard in a long time. Considering that the Village Idiot from Crawford (bush) can't form a coherent sentence and Grandpa Munster (mccan't) has no clue, I'd say the man is a cut above the rest. But since Yahoo seems to be a hotbed of right wing nut jobs, go ahead and give this a thumb down.  

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