
WOW!!!! How huge will the landslide be now???

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If you think about this a little.

1. Over half of the Dem's voted for Billary. A large percentage were just voting for a woman and will swing their vote to McCain/Palin (stupid I know but?????)

2. With less than 140 days active in the Senate Obama/Biden has almost no experience when compared to to the M/P ticket.

3. With our Democratic controlled congress approval rating below 18% I was pretty confident of maintaining a Republican White House anyway. (personal opinion I know but it only makes since)

4. Everyone knows that most blacks will vote O/B. But now How many Black women will vote M/P?

5. Just looking around the internet and watching the news, you get a feeling of panic from the left. If you notice alot are not even talking issues anymore they can't... It's name calling and mud slinging time. At the same time you get the feeling of renewal and refreshment from the right. (maybe it's just me)

6. This is ground breaking. I'm not sure John McCain could have made a better choice.




  1. I agree with you right down the list.

    To top it off, Obama has real problems with all kinds of different voting blocks for mostly legitimate reasons.

    The dems are boned in November!

  2. Yeah a landslide by the Democrats

  3. Sarah Palin has more executive experience than BHO, she has a true middle class / working class background that BHO has tried to claim he does. She has proven to be decisive and isn't afraid to tell you where she stands. She has worked hard to improve the ethics of Alaskan government. She has governmental budgeting experience. She has a son deploying to a war zone soon.

    Wow, she's more qualified to be President than BHO much less a VP.

    I trust her decision making far more than I would BHO or HRC. Her decisions would not be politically motivated.

    And yes it's sad, but she will draw some of the womens vote, but many were voting for HRC just because she was a woman.

    And on a humorous note, she'll lock up the young male vote too.

  4. Wow!!!! Ground breaking is this news.  McCain/Palin are scheduled to lose by a landslide to Obama/Biden in the 2008 general election - Obama (60%) vs. McCain (40%).  The handwriting is on the wall and you guys know this is the case....McCain dug his own political grave by passing over more experienced Romney and others.  Wasn't this the issue he had with Obama (Experience?).  Anyway, we can all see his manipulative tactic and most "Billary" supporters (at least the ones that aren't racist or stupid) will not vote for McCain simply because he picked a powder puff female token as his running mate.  Sorry.  Doesn't lose...Ooops.

  5. I am glad the landslide is going in the Right direction!!!!

    I concur 100%.

    Obama's lame retoric and all the hoopla and then McCain drops the bombshell!!



  6. Yes...and the ways in which they are attacking her are really revealing. I mean...such hypocrits. Seriously.

  7. -27%

    If you would have asked me before this ridiculous pick, I would have said he would have only lost by 6%.

    This almost assures the White house for Obama...

  8. We'll sing in the sun shine,

    we'll laugh every day

  9. I know I was not real excited about the election and my mother was not going to vote, but we are both excited now and can't wait to vote McCain/Palin

  10. Yes I agree...its really interesting...I want to actually watch politics now

  11. women need to take a stand on the democrat's being a party of discrimination for so long and vote for the party that ACTUALLY stands up for equality- NOT JUST IN RACE BUT IN GENDER AS WELL.

    First its the blacks they enslave. Then when that didn't work out, in the late 70's they switched to all whites in form of quotas that make it harder for them to get jobs, and give blacks an unfair advantage- secretly making them quote "inferior and in need of special advantages". Then they started in on Christians.

    When they realized that overt racism against any race wasnt going to work, and that Christian morals were one of the big reasons america- and all of europe- stood head and shoulders above the rest of the world in terms of morals, law-abiding, and hard work and invention, they couldnt make fun of christianity either......

    so they had to start being prejudicial to women!!!

    Hillary DESERVED that nomination, did she not? I mean, the WOMAN was more qualified for the job! They give women quotas to PRETEND to help them (but when the women get jobs every1 assumes it was cuz of quotas so that secretly hurts them), and then when the DEMS have a legitimate chance of showign they like women....

    the party CHEATS AND LIES about what the AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT and got a crappy joe BIDEN instead of hillary clinton!

    2 minutes ago - Edit - Delete


    oh yeah- the reason the democratic party needs discrimination to survive, and why they always bring attention to it as well as do it? They need the people occupied so they can use big government! just like in the books 1984 and brave new world, that is what they want: a bunch of stupid, preoccupied, preprogrammed humans that rely solely on the govt. to give them what they want- INSTEAD OF FREE, GOOD, HARDWORKING, INTELLIGENT, SELF-THINKING, MORAL PEOPLE.

  12. McCain did alot for the Democratic party by picking a running mate that he himself admitted he had only met once before today.

    I don't think smart Americans will vote for someone that could care less who he leaves in charge if he should die while president.

    I wonder if he would entrust his children to someone he only met once.

  13. 1. Most Hillary supporters now support Obama. Many women will look at what Palin stands for before they think of switching to her side.

    2. Biden has more experience than McCain (36 years > 22 years). Obama has more experience than Palin (16 years > 9 years)

    3. Congress has a low approval rating because it is controlled by neither party. If Democrats or Republicans were to actually get a 60% majority ( did you fail American Government in high school?), then laws could be passed and approval ratings would be higher.

    4. Not many. Based on my knowledge, Black women leaned much more towards Obama than Hillary.

    5. Since today is the day of McCain's VP announcement, of course Palin would be everywhere in the media. And yes, Palin was a surprise to us Democrats, but that's not to say that we're mud-slinging. Let's talk issues: Palin supports aerial hunting of wolves, the teaching of creationalism in schools...

    6. I'm not sure if McCain had any good choices.

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