
WOW... Preggers?

by Guest67094  |  earlier

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So- I just read another question where someone said the word preggers and they were pretty much chastised for it...I neve realized people were so sensitive to pregnancy words. I am 24 weeks with my 2nd and I say pregnant, preggers, prego, and knocked up (when I'm joking...). Are you this sensitive to words too? Before I had my daughter (9 years ago...) I vowed I would never say "my kid" I thought it was rude and tasteless...I made a promise to myself to only say child- but I have to admit...MY KID is awesome!!! she really is! Why does terminology bug you so much?!




  1. I have to admit the first time I heard the term "prego" I thought it was disrespectful but seriously its not that big of a deal. People trip out over the most ridiculous things. I'm in nursing and the nurses on the labor and delivery unit use all of those terms...I have a couple of friends who say "buddy" or "kid" once in a while to me and I can't stand it since i'm in my 20s..My thing is if I say it/laugh at it then I shouldn't be offended by it when it is said to me..hope this helps

  2. it sounds cute to me, not insulting

  3. I dont know why it bothers people either. I say that stuff all the time. My husband likes to tell people I have "The Preggers" sure doesnt bother me any.

  4. i think it's cute... it reminds me of the movie Juno when the store clerk tells her that her," eggo is preggo!"

  5. my mom is having her baby right now , but thats beside the point, all of my friends would call her "prego" and stuff like that and trust me, she did no appericate it at all! lol, she called all of their parents and flipped out, i felt pretty bad just beacause some of them were my friends ! ... i porbubly would never say those harsh words after that experiance haha but i also wouldnt just because i find them harsh.

    good lucccckkk!

  6. doesnt bother me! i think a variety of terminology in the situation is cute... i know when i get pregnant i will talk about it constantly and "pregnant" will get old! so change it up lol congratulations! im very jealous!!!

  7. doesn't bother me at all. I don't know why people even care.

  8. I say prego
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