
WOW Private Server Question?

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i was wondering what exactly is a private server and wether you have to pay for it. I was also wondering if it is free, what is the best one, by best i mean, without hacks or instant level 70s and with just normal specs, and a lot of people.


btw. please dont tell me all that stuff about how its against wow policy or whatevr




  1. A private server is NOT against WoW long as they don't find out ;) What they don't know won't hurt them.

    A private server is basically a ripped and rigged version of real WoW, but rigged with special modifications, such as level 255, insanely high level weapons, creatures, armor, etc, etc. Gameplay is still the same, but you're going to have alot more weapons in your arsenel and you don't have to bother with leveling. Private servers are free, but if you donate to the server, you get alot of cool armor and weapons specified by your request and made only for you. But it's whatever you want to do.

    Most, if not, all the good private servers have two different realms. An insane Imbalanced realm, and a Blizz-like realm. Blizz-like meaning that it's more like real WoW, and you have to work alot more. Imbalanced, or IMBA, as they say, is the instant-70, insane weapons and armor, ultra powered monsters realm.

    As far as best server goes, you can go to websites such as:

    You can choose the one you like best there. Now, alot of them will have repeats of private servers, because there are some private servers that are really really good that all get on top 100 and top 10 lists. But, it's your choice.

    They have instructions on how to get to the private server, so don't worry if you think it's going to s***w up your WoW account ;). I've been playing on private servers for years and I haven't screwed it up ;). The only thing you're going to hate is the constant lag and disconnects whenever a realm is down for maintenance. But, other than that, you should have a good time ;). Have fun!


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