
WOW! Why would anyone hate Palin?

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I've seen mean, viscious names hurled at her already. Is this the way the dems are going to debate? Because they have no sane, honest, truthful, and intelligent argument against Palin, will they just hurl names at her and make up lies? The libs were the crybabies when the republicans went after Obama's racism which was on tape and proven for all to see. Now they are crying because the republicans have knocked Obama/Biden out of the water with the McCain/Palin ticket. Do you agree?




  1. "Hate" is not the correct term, "funny" is what it is.

    We democrats just think it's funny.

    Here McCain's strongest tactic against Obama is "Lack of experience."

    Yet McCain, who is 72 and has battled cancer several times, chooses one of the most unexperienced Republicans.

    When it comes to "Executive experience", it just does not seem like much to the eyes of many. Governing a state with more moose than people does not prove she can represent well over 300 million lives in America. What foreign experience can she offer us? McCain has experience yes, Obama is already the love of the world, which is a very helpful hand in the election, but what would Palin offer as a President in that terms that something happened to McCain? With 5 kids could she handle running a nation?

    We question why he made that choice, we all know there are plenty well qualified Republicans he could have chosen that would have sealed the deal.

    Now the question is if Palin was democrat and Obama had chosen her, would Republicans not bash her? Would they not state she has no experience? I believe they would and it would be a lie to say no.

    The names fly back and forth between both parties, it happens every election, no matter who the person is, even if Jesus himself was a candidate I'm sure half the nation would find some way to lie or make a scandal. This is politics.

    But in the end it goes both ways. Both Democrats and Republicans bash each other for stupid reasons, yes I will admit. It just goes to show how "United" our country really is.


  2. Nobody hates Palin.. I think she is a supermom and I applaud her for all her accomplishments. I don't know if she is ready to play with the big Boys YET!!!!.. I am concerned about how she is going to balance motherhood and VP/Pres status. Not cause I am suspecting but I am a mom too and it is NOT EASY,  especially with a special needs child who is going to becoming more demanding in care as he grows older.

    I am not being a sexist cause I am a woman.. I know children must bond with their mom's first....seems to me lil trig needs his mom more than this country does.. that was selfish of McCain to consider..

  3. Of course I agree. It's so bad there is actually a guy on Talk radio (from the left) saying that Sarah Palin did not really give birth to her young baby. They are saying it was actually her teenage daughters baby and they just covered it up by saying it was hers. It's amazing how mean and nasty libs get when they are losing.

  4. Wait a minute.  Aren't you people the same people that have been doing the same to Obama? It gets kind of rough on the way to White House. this happened to Geraldine Ferraro. Her husband had shady real estate deals and maybe mob ties. it was a mess. this is going to be another feeding frenzy. Go ahead and say it: who let the dogs out? Like a pack of wild dogs, they are going to rip her to shreds.

  5. I don't hate her, I just defieitely don't want her running the country in any position. I think the Republicans just gave Obama the election. She has about as much business being vp as Harriet Meyers had being on the supreme court - none.

  6. I don't hate her. I love her! Thank you for handing us the election!

    This is just great.

    Seriously though, there is a difference between hating someone and thinking that they would be a terrible VP.

  7. Dream on.

  8. I don't hate her but she is a terrible choice for a VP

    they just handed the presidency to Obama on a silver platter

  9. Politics is a dirty scummy business.  She's made a lot of enemies in her short time in power.  And of course she now stands as an obstacle to one of the most populist candidates in modern history.  Desperate evil people do desperate evil things.  I've seen enough of Obama to be very concerned about the well being of this country should he get elected.  I predict 10-12 percent unemployment by 2012 should he be elected.  If Sarah Palin does nothing else but keep him out of the White House that will be an accomplishment.

  10. Umm last time I looked Republicans say just as many mean things as democrats actually I would say more republicans say cruel things than democrats.  But considering he has picked this woman who no one knows anything about he has just handed Obama the election and I thank him for that.

  11. Because, Michelle Obama is afraid that Barry Hussein has the HOT's for Sarah.  Hey, I don't blame Obama on this one........Michelle is about a 5 or 6 and Sarah Palin a 10.

  12. Its been awesome.. she is everything they cant be and they are jealous..

    The funny thing is the more they attack her the more they look like foolish, sexist, hypocrits!

    so far they have insulted..


    attractive women

    working women

    parents of disabled children

    The state of Alaska


    Pentacostal Christians


    Pro lifers




    NRA members

    Did I leave anything out..

    She has more experience than their own presidential candidate for crying out loud!

    Let em roll... Ive been saving links for over a day... They are the best GOP sales tool ever invented.

  13. That's right!   We should only target Barack HUSSEIN Osama Bin Laden, lol.  Pot/Kettle.

  14. I don't hate her. I have my reservations about her abilities. It cannot be denied that her career has drawn scrutiny.

    The reason I keep my answers private is because I have had 2 people from my church use answers here against me in gossip to my family. If you are interested in me adding you, I would be more than happy as I have nothing to hide. I think I allow e-mail if you have any questions. (I thought this the best way to contact you)

  15. Palan being chosen by McCain as his running mate has nothing to do with hatred, but the security of America's future. She simply doesn't warrant voters support to be the person a heartbeat away from the Presidency.  

  16. I heard she's a Muslim with ties to terrorists and hates America.

    She also refuses to wear a flag pin.

    She's a Communist, a n**i, a Socialist, and a racist who spent 20 years in a hate filled church.

    Sound familiar?

  17. I agree.  And it certainly showcases what these people are made of, doesn't it?  Remember their high-toned "no personal attacks" rhetoric?  What they meant was no personal attacks on Obama.  Well, they have taken off their gloves to attack possibly the most American, cleanest politician breathing today.  I heartily suggest they get prepared for the worst possible beatdown they have ever experienced.

  18. Palin doesn't warrant voter support but Obama does?  Wow.  When Obama started his politcal career he solicited support from Bill Ayres, he and his wife Bernadine Dorhn (who has s conviction) are declared enemies of the U S government.  When you start your political life you look for someone who thinks like you for support.

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