
WOuld you be mad if someone canceled an order on you?

by  |  earlier

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I went to my sister's friend's mom's adult toy party and ordered some outfits, like $150 becasue when I called my husband he said I could spend that, well after getting home and seeing the bank account, I should not have spent that! Now I need to cancel my order but The Mom who hosted the party is going to loose out on some bonuses now if I do. Would you be mad at me?




  1. Feelings have nothing to do with it.  If the policy of the company allows you to cancel orders, then you have the right to cancel your order, and no explanations are needed.  It's no different than if you'd bought the items at a store.

  2. Well, if it's explained to her that FINANCIALLY it can't be done, she shouldn't be angry. A little disappointed, probably.. As long as you tell her you had every intention of following through and you can still pay for a significant portion, your relationship with her shouldn't suffer. Hope that helps.

  3. No, I would not be mad.  A little disappointed perhaps, but when you have these home parties, you expect things like cancellations to happen.  Especially in your situation.

  4. Yes, as the hostess of the party, I would be quite annoyed.

    Your order cancellation sounds like "buyer's remorse".  You chose to get sucked into the buying atmosphere of the event and ignore your financial restrictions.  If you truly cannot afford the purchase, then cancel.  Otherwise, purchase one item, and cancel the remainder.

    Next time you attend such an event, know your budget. Choose not to spend more than a certain amount.

  5. No. If you explained that you didn't realise that financially you cannot really afford that price at the moment, I'm sure she would understand. If she was a nice person. And if she doesn't, who is she to tell you what to do and what not to do with your funds. I'm sure she has better things to worry about than losing out on some bonuses.

    You'll be fine!

  6. I don't think I would be mad. I may be a bit disappointed, but I wouldn't get annoyed about it. After all, things happen.

    Don't feel bad about having to cancel, there is no point in not having money yourself and being unable to pay a bill/buy food or just have money to see you through to next pay just because you feel bad about someone losing a bonus.

  7. I'm sure she won't be thrilled, but that's part of business.  It's to be expected.

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