
WOuld you hold your partner's hand in public?

by  |  earlier

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even if that meant the whole world staring at you?

for me it depends where i am...... i don't do it around my neighborhood because my parents might catch me and they don't know about me being bi.




  1. I would. I mean I haven't come out yet but if I had, yeah. I don't know why I haven't come out yet, I know my parents would be supporting, they wouldn't like it, but they would support me... So if I hadn't come out, no. But if I was out, I wouldn't be ashamed or anything...

  2. ^_^ If I had one.

  3. Yes if course I don't care what others think.

  4. Yes, I like when people stare at me

  5. YES that is what makes it your partner


  6. I always hold my girlfriend's hand in public. Sometimes we do get that "evil eye" from people... But we usually are able to laugh it off. I get a little nervous about it on occasion, but my girlfriend will just smile at me and squeeze my hand harder, and I'll know it's okay.

  7. h**l yes i would

  8. Yes.  I'd hate for anyone to say anything, only because I wouldn't want my partner hurt, but it would hurt more to hide how much I love them.  If it was alright with them being out, then I'd love to, :)


  9. i love holding hands. if the world sees it i dont care. i like showing my ex off.

  10. If i had one and no1 i knew was around then yes

  11. If i wasnt near my family i would for school or the mall i would.

  12. Yes but that's as far as I'd go.  I once dated a guy who liked to drape his arm over my shoulders, I told him to knock it off or I wouldn't date him anymore.  But then, I'm not bi or g*y.  That would certainly make a big difference.

  13. Yes! But she does not want to hold mine

  14. I would!  I really don't care what others think of me and if I felt like holding hands I would : )

  15. yeah i sit on guys and girls laps all the time but not infront of my parents lol and i kiss people in public and everything but not in front of my mom or dad  

  16. of course that's what couples do. i mean whatever, im not going to hide or be ashamed of the one i love

  17. I often do, but it depends on where i am. There are two times when i generally won't hold her hand:

    1) Around my little sisters (because my mother doesn't want them to know, even though i'm sure they've already figured it out)

    2) If there are a lot of school kids around (i'm a school teacher, and if one of my students saw me... it's just better to not be 'out' when you're in my profession.)

    But, generally, i love walking arounf holding hands :)

  18. If i had one i would

  19. no

  20. Yes ... Though it depends where. I live in the NYC area so when we go to the city for a night out it's not a big deal. In my home town, at my parents home, a local grocery store probably not.

    My girlfriend is femme/ sporty and im more a very , very soft butch...However since we both look ethnic/foreign ( were not) people sometimes think were (friendly ) sisters or just "good" friends. One of my exes was very butch and people "got" our relationship instantly. Her and I heard a lot of c**p from people.

    At this point in my life im pretty oblivious to peoples stares. Their not my mom, their not my boss, and they don't pay my bills so their opinion is just that THEIRS. Beside I will probably never see them again.

  21. yes

  22. I'd hold their p***s in public if it was legal.

  23. Wouldn't care about anyone but me and that person

  24. Definitely, I don't care what others think

    PRIDE! baby lol

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