

by  |  earlier

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  1. "Something" is a single released by The Beatles in 1969, and featured on the album Abbey Road. "Something" was the first song written by George Harrison to appear on the A-side of a Beatles single, sharing top billing on the double A-side single with "Come Together" in the United Kingdom. It was one of the first Beatles singles to contain tracks already available on a long playing (LP) album, with both "Something" and "Come Together" having appeared on Abbey Road. "Something" was the only Harrison composition to top the American charts while he was a Beatle.

  2. abajo pepe el loco  

  3. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)...

    so many! ^

  4. Enjoy your life, you have the right to do that! :)

  5. im eating a chikken salaad wrap. so yummy so yummy

  6. ქართული არის ყველაზე მაგარი ენა.

  7. in italiano...scrivi qualcosa!!!!

    they tried to make me go to rehab but i said **** NO NO NO!

    non scordare mai di me!

    i fuoght the law and won!

    Ho combattuto la legge e...vince la legge!

    cos'è un fuoco e sai perché...come si dice?  BRUCIA?????

    Principessa è tanto che il tuo cuore aspetta un sì.

  8. Ok I am going to write in punjabi

    Ha Je Ki Hall Theda

    : How R U :^

    Thu Meda bada Sona Puttar Hai

    : You R My Very Buetiful Son :^

    Ma Mede Jandege Thede Nall Rani

    : I want to Live with you all of my life :^

    Ma Thede Nall Shade Kar Ne Ha

    : I want to marry you : ^

  9. once upon a time...

    haha. (:

  10. I think Jack Black is so cute!  

  11. SOMETHING????????


  12. Greetings from USA

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