
WRITERS!! I cannot stay focused on one plot while writing! Help?

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The furthest I've gotten on a novel is 40 pages (20 double sided) and then I'll start thinking of a new plot/direction the story heads in and I will end up with 12 stories of 5 pages, or a really confusing story that's too complicated. Any help with this??




  1. You might want to try outlining your story before you start. Writing down major plot points, turning points, a few snippets of dialogue to support you along the way.

    I admit, I'm a terrible plotter. I can't outline at all, but it really works well for a lot of writers.

    I'm sure others will be able to explain the process more clearly.

    Good luck with your writing.

  2. Maybe you should start with short stories.

    One of my favorite authors was a great short story writer, Earnest Hemingway.  

  3. you and me both sister.  

  4. Sketch the details of your main potential characters start with looks, mannerisms, background, etc. Write the details down - or even draw them if you are a visual person.

    Then take your main character or characters and imagine them in some new odd/out of the ordinary (out of your current work's context) places or scenarios – anything goes! Write down ideas on what would have to happen to your type of character or how they would react to the scenario you placed them in.

    This may seem futile, but it will help you flesh out your characters further and give you insight into what you may want to happen to this type of character in a potential story. You may even come up with multiple story lines and can see if one of them just seems to be the best or easiest to continue

    Strong well-crafted main characters can inspire readers to love your story as well as drive you to write a great story for these imagined beings to be in! :-)

    This should get you going. Then you may want to write an outline of you story (a kind of synopsis).


    I have heard that John Irving writes his endings first, down to the last line, and works backwards. The idea of the outline is to give you goals as you proceed. Writing the ending first may give you the "spark" you now need.

  5. When you get ideas, write them down.

    Good stories need good characters (come up with them however you see fit). If you're characters are stong, and you love them, then finishing their story will seem like a favor to a good friend. But to love them, they need to be developed. (Check out the link below.)

    Then think, "What would my character do? What will happen to them?"

    Make outlines, and work on the parts that you're interested in at the moment. You'll never get bored. Then, when you're finished with the good parts, you go back and fill in the boring parts. Viola, you have a book!

    It's the best thing I can thing of to do for myself, and I suggest it. Good luck!

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