
WRT Global; Warming: Are the Weather Predictions Made In the "Farmer's Almanac" Reasonably Close to Correct

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  1. Any systematic and continuously improved method of predicting the weather would likely be more accurate that a collection of scientists competing with each other to grab the next headline.

  2. I'd believe them any day over the local weatherman.

  3. FA has been a surprisingly accurate guide for weather prediction and crop planting over the many years of publication. What has been even more interesting is the last 10 years the Almanac has shown far closer predictions than the Cray computer models of NOAH.

    Maybe they could apply the propitiatory formulas to daily prediction and we could at least know from one day to the next when we could go on a picnic without haveing it rain.

  4. well achely they are but the weather in the future was predicted  that hurricanes tornado's flash floods violent thunder storms tsunamis and violent earth quakes might happen when global warming and some things from litter and things like that pollute the air and they are called green house gasses I'm not saying it is but i think it is and we need to go on a bus or a bike if you are going on a long journey cos they pollute the world less so does taking showers and recycling but the things that pollute the air more are cars,motor bikes, planes,boats,baths,and trowing more rubbish in to a bin were they bury litter,and nuclear plants so we need to act fast or we will have violent storms and the sea levels we rise and we also need to be tree huggers i wont talk any longer now just plz help the enviroment plz

  5. We don't  have the FA in Oz - just our local weather bureaus, with forecasters one can talk to (or used to).    And the earth and sky, of course, which too few watch.   Farming and sailing, and even now in the city, I find the cloud patterns, feel of the air, leaves on trees, wind directions, forecast days and weeks ahead.  Ants, insects etc add info for 24 hrs or a few days.  With those aids I've seen the climate changing over the past 20 years, and particularly over the past ten.  Continuing drought ashore and increasing gales off the coast.   Lately it has become increasingly unstable, with major eratic shifts, sustained for several days - a severe autumn onset heralding cold winter followed by very hot summer I suspect.  So I've been talking about climate change since long before it became fashionable, and need no convincing now.   I'll take the scientific consensus as my guide- and it isn't cheerful!

  6. I live in a hilly place where the climate differs from the rest of the country (India). I doubt whether global warming really has an impact in the tropics. Ofcourse if it is discernable in the polar (and cold regions like Europe and temperate parts of US, well....)then I will have to take the word of the scientists. But predicting the are always off mark by a few days to weeks. But the predicted things do come to happen. I predicted (by seeing the satellite picture) that we would get cyclonic weather perhaps in 7-10 days, but it did come about 16 - 18 days after.... and that too because the low pressure veered to our side. Some times it goes off to Bangladesh and they experience flooding......

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