
WRT the church shooting story, why has the following been dropped from the story in several sources?

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"The police chief said the shotgun was bought at a pawn shop about a month ago and Adkisson wrote the letter in the last week or so. But he added: "I am sure this is something that has been building a long time in terms of his anger."

He said the state recently sent a letter to Adkisson telling him food stamps he had been receiving would be reduced or eliminated."

The guy that hates liberals enough to go on a shooting spree, is infact on government assistance.

I thought that cons were against gov assistance.

& that this part of the news story is being faded out, most likely because its another example of cons being 2 faced about basic core values.

What editor (being employed by wealthy neo-cons) would want to bring this to the peoples attention?




  1. I think its particularly difficult for people who have pride to excess to admit they need help.

    Instead of seeing it simply as a temporary helping hand while they get on their feet, or a necessity for a sick child.

    They see it as the character flaw they have been despising others for having.

    Now they have to despise themselves.

    One of the seven deadly sins is pride.

    Charity isn't a sin, not to give or receive it.

    In shooting liberals he killed that part of himself that could no longer function properly in his world, in his world we all stand alone or fall, if he has fallen it must be the fault of the liberals, not him.

  2. You know what?  When I heard Knoxville, TN I went into shock---one of the most gruesome hate crimes against whites was committed there in 2007, the first court hearings start Aug.11th(the Christian-Newsome murder trials start then).  I have never heard a word of this crime on television, and I didn't hear much about this shooting either---it is almost like we selectively get only to hear what the media thinks we should hear---and I see it the same way with politics.  The media seems to have an agenda of their own----and as far as conservatives go:  there are many people who would like to do away with the welfare system because it is being badly misused and abused(or so it seems).  But we can't---in a society the strong have to carry the weak(hammurabi)and so we have to realize that those who are not as fortunate as we are(elderly, disabled,children)cannot be punished for those who abuse the system---and just to point things out:  everyone seems to think that Senator Obama would turn America into a welfare state if he gets elected.  I have to say this is not so true:  Obama believes in hard work---and he will move those who just sit around and collect benefits without any reason out of the welfare system and into work.....that's what I strongly believe.  The system needs an overhaul, but it cannot be eliminated...

  3. The information about the views of the church are being phased out of the story because it had nothing to do with the motives of the perpetrator. This was simply and act of an AP reporter seeking to find an “angle” for the story of a church shooting. Upon learning that this particular church preached a leftist agenda it seemed too appetizing an angle to pass on. I note with interest that a number of crimes committed by leftists wherein their political views were actually a factor in the crime, are never reported as such. In fact anyone who mentions it is immediately castigated by the Left. How many so-called journalists have every pointed out that the Manson gang was a communist group and that by their own admission the crimes were committed to “strike fear into the hearts and minds of the establishment.” Do you recall how Leftists reacted when some commentators mentioned the political views of the individual who responsible for the mass shooting on the university campus last year?

    The police chief himself noted that the motives of the assailant were his own failings and anger at society in general. Personally I see that as being more attributable to the Left which preaches that all of life’s failures are someone else’s fault.

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