
WS Champion Red Sox left empty-handed at ESPYs?

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Anyone else notice that the world series winners of America's game did not receive a single ESPY. Do you agree with this?




  1. umm i live in NY and i like Sox and celtics so the espy really isn't a award that you care about. The real award is the World series and not the espy do you agree? It didn't matter to me though because i like the celtics and they won.Even though the sportsmanship award went to those to girls carrying the other one who hit the home run. I think JON LESTER the cancer surviver desered it.

  2. The ESPY's, like ESPN are a joke. Nobody remembers who won an ESPY, or even cares who won. When a players or teams accomplishments are talked about, the ESPY's they won are never mentioned.

  3. I thought the ESPYs were a joke award anyway...did I miss a memo on this? Do people really care about the ESPYs? What's next people are going to start taking the MTV Music and Movie awards seriously too?

  4. people take the ESPYs seriously..i just thought it was another hair-brained ESPN scam to make money

    its beyond a popularity contest

  5. first off i think its more "sprots writers picking it up. Yes and  alot of people hate boston/new york.

    But there other teams other than boston

  6. Yes, The Giants should've won such an award. They beat the best football team in the history of the league.

    I agree with you JT_24.

  7. i whole heartedly agree. F the redsox. theyre as boring as the '98 expos.

  8. Maybe if this was the 2004 World Series,they would've gotten it.

    dude,did u even watch the Superbowl!? that was the best! especially that throw from Eli to David Tyree.

    Plus Prettyboy Brady got sacked many times and fumbled a few too. That was one of the best Belichick was pissed after they lost.I guess SpyGate doesn't help win Superbowls,does it Bill =]  thanks Mangini!

  9. What would they win?

    Best Team was easily the Celtics

    Best Championship Performance was obviously Tiger Woods...

    Although I think Lester's story is more impactful than someone who doesn't know how to run the bases. I know it's the sportsmanship factor, but still, its not very inspiring to me since millions of people are affected in some way by cancer, whereas the softball thing was a random act of kindness that can only be brought on by a 1 in a million circumstance.

  10. I think one reason is because the Sox won so long ago.

    Since then, the Giants, Celtics, and Red Wings have all won. March Madness has happened. So much has happened since the Red Sox championship that most people have forgotten the division championship series against the Indians, where the Sox were one game away from elimination for three straight games.

    In 2004, when the Red Sox won for the first time in 86 years, it was the story of the year. This time around, it hasn't quite gotten the same attention.

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