
WTC Steel placed near PA. 9/11 site?

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  1. They have just sailed a military ship made out of the WTC. it is awesome.

  2. Not sure why they would do that.  I guess because it was one of the hijacked planes on 9/11.

  3. A shrine to zionism.

  4. Sounds like a fitting memorial to the passengers and crew on that fateful flight.

  5. With the release of the NIST final report on Building 7 we can safely say that the government remains committed to the ongoing cover-up, and that crucial evidence was simply ignored, fairy tales were manufactured, and that's good enough for a lot of media. Perhaps a super-majority of media.


    Dr Franics A. Boyle (who helped write the law with regards to terrorism, as he was responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989) gave his detailed knowledge of the cover up of the 2001 anthrax attacks, which he is adamant were perpetrated by criminal elements of the US government in an attempt to foment a police state by killing off opposition to hardline post 9/11 legislation.

    With respect to the above poster's words about the USS New York; I think fawning over a ship that was built with steel from WTC buildings that were attacked by its own government, or at the very least allowed to happen, is a

    If you still believe the 911 Omission Report-

    Then you probably still believe:

    -That Oswald acted alone in the JFK assassination (13 bullets fired from a single bolt action in less than 6 secons?)

    -Gulf of Tonkin actually happened and was the reason we went to Vietnam

    -Invasion of Panama in 1989 was for 'national security' (and not because Noreiga went into business for himself making the profit from cocaine from South America, and giving the finger to the CIA & Bush INC).

    -Gulf War 1 was about freeing the poor little country of Kuwait (and not about Kuwait slant-drilling into Iraqi territory stealing their oil, REGARDLESS of the fact that Saddam asked James Baker III for permission to invade Kuwait, in which we the US told him SURE.....NO PROBLEM HERE two weeks prior to the Iraqi invasion).

    Need I go on?  Look it up for yourself, or continue to be a loyal FOX, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC viewer.

    If you think the Government doesn't lie to you, you are naive.

  6. I think this is really awesome!! I'm glad to see them getting a fitting memorial, there were some real hero's on that flight!

  7. It's a cross.  I would think the ACLU would go nuts over that.  I'm sure someone will file a lawsuit against the government to have it removed on the grounds of separation of church and state.

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