
WTF?!? I tried everything! But no sound! :(?

by  |  earlier

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Sound doesnt work on online videos, such as youtube. Sound was workign fine before, but i dont know what happened that made it stop. Music plays perfectly. PC games play and sound perfectly. Just videos online!

I installed sound driver AGAIN! I checked on volumes on youtube and control panel. I double checked the sound settings. I install latest flahs player.

NOTHING! It all seems normal. I have rebooted like 23483 times.

Any help?




  1. Make sure you don't have any other applications running that are using sound.

    Try re-installing your flash player browser plugin.

    Try a different browser, I would recommend firefox 3!!  

  2. If your computer is a pc check that ur speakers r plugged in

  3. Install a version of Linux that has Flash/restricted codec support out of the box.  LinuxMint and openSuse are good choices.

  4. That is a lot of rebooting, have you installed a new Internet explorer update or version, did you get a new web browser?

    if you did you might have to set up the sound devices on it.

  5. Assuming you have windows XP or later have you tried a system restore to a date before they quit. START>ALL PROGRAM>ACCESSORIES>SYSTEM TOOLS>SYSTEM RESTORE

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