

by Guest60301  |  earlier

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ive seen it on youtube but don't exactly know what it is so someone please explain with detail what it is please and how u use it. i know its some sort of cheat for games. so please help thanks!




  1. action replay is a cd or card you put in your console and then with codes you cheat in the game you put the cd/card in the take it out and put your game easy!

  2. It's a cheat system for games, old games i think - a disc or cartridge wich you pop in before the game and hey presto it unlocks the cheats so you can cheat

  3. its a cheat for the gaming systems...but you already know that. well there is one for the ps2 and the Ds but im not sure that there is more for any other systems. Its a small card that you insert into the memory card hold and for the Ds its a chip the u connect your game onto and you put the chip in the game slot in the ds. the action replay gives you a varity of cheats so you can "hack" the game for example Pokemon Diamond the action reaplay will be able to allow you to use cheats for that game as well as other cheats that you are able to download onto the Action replay.

  4. what u do with an action replay is u putt the codes on it from ur cpu and then u putt it in ur ds then the game.

    what it is doing is basically going in to ur games and finding codes and changing them to ur advantage.

    hope i helped.

    peace around the world for generations.

    p.s i am a Fred addict  

  5. atctin replay is basically a devise which helps you cheat im a game.It can give you new pokemons onn pokemon pearl or unlock new cars on a racing game for example.It messes with the codes of a game to use it to your advantage.But beware,it can mees up game save files and user data so use it at your own risk. its on almost every modern games console and is very esy to find and very cheap(places like eb games in america and game in the uk)uts like  a games cartridge or a disk depending on what console its on.(is its a ps2 thens it is a ps2 disk and if on the psp then is a psps disk.To use it,you put in in the console,start it up and select a game for which you want to use cheats on.Then ,you select the cheat you want to activate and to take out the action replay and put in the game.Hopefully,it should have activated the required cheat.(this works by meesing with the codes on the games so you cant sue the company which makes the respective game if the game breaks.)

  6. Action Replay is the brand name of a series of devices created by Datel, primarily used for changing the behavior of video games. Currently, Action Replay is available for the Nintendo DS, Wii, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360 and PlayStation Portable.

  7. I'm not exactly sure how it works but I know that you need to hook it up to the computer,and put in codes to use cheats. For example, in Pokemon you can walk through walls. It's actually kind of like a Gameshark.

  8. basically, in sports normally, when they reshow a play or bit of action, its called an action replay.

  9. Action Replay is the brand name of a series of devices created by Datel, primarily used for changing the behavior of video games. Currently, Action Replay is available for the Nintendo DS, Wii, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360 and PlayStation Portable.

    You can buy just a prepacked card with no room for creating new codes on it( you cant add cheats it didnt come with) or a expansion like card (you would insert it where your game goes then insert your game into the extra slot it would provid) That lets you add codes (via a link threw your pc and a software program it should come bundled with) to bypass game coding to do thinks like walk threw walls, have infiniate health ect.  You have to actully BUY one from your local wal-mart/K-mart like stores.  If you are playing an emulator most of them have the cheat devices build in (should have a drop down menu named cheats) in which case just go to a site like codebreakers and copy the codes for the games you want

    but try not to use to many codes at ones because it can cause your game to crash randomly, and it can corrupt the game itself, and your save files (on handheld and emulator)

    best way to find the codes you want is to google them like

    Pokemon Pearl AR code


    Pokemon pearl Action Replay code

    or ber more supifict

    Pokemon Pearl Action Replay AR walk threw walls

  10. It helps You cheat at games in a way that regular codes and cheats never could. You switch on the console, insert the action replay disc, enter the codes from a cheat site, computer mag etc. on the screen, then eject action replay and insert the game.

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