
WTF Why do blue jays eat baby birds?

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I learned about this in some random online research and, honestly, I wasn't too surprised, but still.

Is it out of desperation? Some disease? Or are they just cannibals by nature?

I mean, I know all birds have some cannibal tendencies. And if a nest was vulnerable meaning no parents were guarding it, that could mean they'd both died, as usually one would stay behind to guard against threats (perhaps such as blue jays ;-) and a blue jay killing and eating nestlings is a better sight than them starving to death (maybe).

Anyone have an answer?




  1. Blue jays share a characteristic with crows, they will eat just about anything.  They are scavengers, they eat other bird eggs as well.  So eating other bird young is not so difficult to believe.

  2. Nature is interesting, and can be surprising to some people.  Blue jays are omnivores, not cannibals.  They eat lots of things, including the young of other birds.  

    They also get eaten.  And I bet you thought squirrels ate nuts.  These videos are not for the squeemish:

  3. <<WTF Why do blue jays eat baby birds?>>

    For food.

    <<Is it out of desperation? Some disease? Or are they just cannibals by nature?>>

    It's generally got no connection with any of those options, seeing as they pick on somebody else's nestlings.  From the link:

    "Many people dislike the Blue Jay because it is known to eat the eggs and nestlings of other birds. However, in an extensive study of Blue Jay feeding habits, only 1% of jays had evidence of eggs or birds in their stomachs. Most of the diet was composed of insects and nuts."

    Their diet doesn't extend to Blue jay nestlings.

  4. Lots of birds eat other birds..hawks, crows, falcons, etc.  They all have to eat..this is just nature at work.

  5. Cannibalism is when you eat your own species.  Are you telling me that you think all birds are the same species?  Blue Jays eat the eggs and young of other birds.  Hawks eat other birds.  Humans eat monkeys, Orcas hunt whale calves.  All of these are cases of animals eating other animals that may belong in the same family or genus, or order but not the same species.  So, no cannibalism.  Blue Jays are opportunists and will take advantage of every resource they can to survive and prosper.  Sort of like humans.

  6. They are not cannibals, they do not eat their own kind. They are just exploiting a food source to add to the invertebrates and nuts that form the main part of their diet.

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