
WTF does he see in her? ?

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How can you figuer out what it is a certain guy is looking for in a GF. I really like this guy and I know he likes me. Has has told me the things that he likes about me but the girl that he is dating is nothing like me and had none of the qualitys that he say he likes about me or wants in a girlfriend. I have knowe him for 10+ years and she is nothing like anyone that he has ever dated. He usually dates blonds that are cute and fun and smart. But this girl he is with now is not cute at all and has black hair and piercings and tottoos. Once when she cheated on him and he was talking to me about it. I asked him WTF he sees in her. He said I dunno there is just something about her. I told him that he always says that about who he is with. he told me that about his ex wife when they were togeather and having problems and I asked why he didnt just leave. He has also told me the samething about myself when I asked what he liked about me. The only other thing he said when I asked why he would put up with someone who cheats was that he has always dated girls or thier looks and it never really worked out for him so he thought he would try something new. So I know that whatever it is about her is not physical beauty but something about her personality. But how do I figuer out what it is without just coming rite out and asking.Also there is no way that I can ask anyone else or hang around her to ifnd out this girl and I HATE each other we have had words on more than one occasion. Could he just be lonley and scared to leave? He has told me that the only reason he stayed in the past is that they were both on the lease and could not aford to get out of it. Then last week he tells me things are better between them. I just don't get it i am sure there is something about her that keeps him hanging on but what is it?Any ideas?




  1. hmm I guess you should just trust him - sometimes its hard to describe, yknow?

    But the thing thats worrying me is when he said he was sticking with her to try something different - has he had bad experiences with girls hes dated for their looks? I'm not sure whether you mean you like him as a friend or like him as more, but if its the latter maybe you could subtly hint lol.

    Maybe say something like:you are only asking because you are worried about him - you are not sure what he sees in this girl and you are worried that she will hurt him again

    hope that helps!


  2. Dont keep waiting for him.He obviously doesnt see how much of a caring person you are to him,so let him go.You deserve to focus your heart on a dude that will actually not take it for granted,I have no idea what he might see in her but I mean,it happens to be working and your just there typing about how he shouldnt be with her.If he has not realized that you believe and know you two were meant to be after 10 years than maybe he never will.I dont want to be harsh but just move on,you deserve so much better.(Someone that will give you the time you deserve)Hope I was able to help!!!

  3. ah ue question is tooooooooo long no one will prob read it, im not gonna

  4. mayb u shuld b askn wot do u see in him

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