
WTF is going on?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so basically ever since the beginning of march I saw this guy on tv, hes in a band, famous, and probably very well known but I won't share who it is because its not important. Well it was like the moment I saw him It was as if I'd known him and from there its felt like that everyday. If your thinking that its one of those celeb crushes so many girls have its not, problem is I can't begin to explain what it is. But ever since that day I've seen him my life seems to have changed dramatically. I slowly worked into realizing that I showed signs of Empathy, great intuition, and a long list of other possible psychic abilities. Lately its just like I KNOW things and they always happen. A good majority of things I know seem to connect to him, its the most confusing thing I've ever been through and I'm so lost as to why its happening. So anyone that has anything remotely simlar if you could share or if anyone could tell me if its possible that seeing this guy triggered all this and why?





  2. I would say that this singer, must have had some kind of strong charisma that left an impression on you, some people, while not necessarily "beautiful" can have a powerful effect on people.  But aside from that, the sense that you are able to "know" things, is known as the confirmation bias.  If you truly have precognition abilities or a "sixth sense" then check the James Randi Educational Foundation, and take the Million Dollar Challenge, and by proving your psychic abilities you could win a million dollars!

  3. he mite have been some1 in ur past life. seein him mite have triggered all the knowledge that had been stored in your mind, escpically since he culd have been some1 important in ur past life.

    hope i made sense


  5. The odds of someone famous being intimately connected to you, even through the ages, is still pretty slim (although it happens to most people eventually.)

    However, what most people don't seem to realize is that sometimes the strongest feelings we have don't always have an upfront or direct meaning to them. What I mean by that is that suddenly feeling the need to become an astronaut doesn't mean that you are destined to grow up and be an astronaut. It doesn't mean it won't happen, but it could mean that this sudden feeling is meant to push you in a very certain direction.

    Think of driving down a very dark road, not knowing for sure where you are going, or if this is the right direction, and all of a sudden a big flashing sign seems to pop out of nowhere and points 'This Way.' It doesn't necessarily mean that going in this direction means immediately that, presto magic, you are going to 'arrive'. The sign could simply mean that heading in this direction will lead you to the place you are looking for without knowing it.

    With people, especially celebrities, what draws most people to become attracted or fascinated by them is not actually the person themself but the person they represent. What I mean by that is that the celebrity, being in the spotlight and being able to be seen publicly and openly, allows people to 'see' something now that they might not be able to see. Think about it this way: all through your dating years you are attracted to the same type of person: blond, dorky, tattooed. What drives you to be attracted to the same person can oftentimes be the same thing that drives you to be attracted to a certain celebrity: that person represents an as of yet unknown desire that you are looking for, but don't know where to look. Or, the celebrity represents the key element to finding the person you are looking for (suggesting you will meet at a concert or some other event connected with the singer.)

    Nascent/beginning psychic abilities are very 'rough' and vague when they start off, like a metal detector with a radius of about 200 ft. Just because it beeps doesn't mean that you are standing directly on the spot, just somewhere close enough to the spot for the detector to pick up on. In either case, this feeling, and this singer in particular, is meant to be a great big sign for you saying 'follow where this leads' and right now, I think that is about as good advice as anyone can give you.

  6. WTF.........your depressed.....

    please relax mama
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