
WTF is this on my hand!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i'd convinced myself that i had a mole on my left hand just below my pinky finger

i was alwayz eventually gonna go to a doctor but just put it off cause its not high on my to do list

but i just looked up moles and mines doesnt look like a mole, its been there for a couple months, it used to be sorta dark, but i assume thats just from dried blood when i picked the root out, but now its just a little darker than my skin, its kinda like a mole shaped peice of skin

is not really painful, just kinda of annoying at times

so anywho does anyone kno what this is, and can i remove it myself or do i have to go to a docter/dermatologist





  1. I think what ur describing seems like a skin infection, they are called warts. They will keep growing if u dont get the doctor to freeze it or remove it from the roots. You NEED to do something about it.. not YOU persnally, bcoz u dont want to scar yourself.. get it fixed up proffesionally. Theres really strong medicine for it in the chemist called WARTNER however, dont misuse it.. u dont want to burn ur skin off..

    most people say that they can fall off if u leave the long enough, and some myths say that if u rub lemon on it everyday the acid will kill it. THATS NOT PROVEN.. just like saying someone can heal a broken bone by just drinking milk. LOL. be careful they are highly infectious. Make sure you wash your hands regularly and carry an antiseptic around in places u know u cant wash regularly.. keep it clean and GO TO THE DOCTOR.

    im not scaring u, but it will keep getting more annoying by the second.

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