
WTF is with Miley Cyrus's music ?!?!?

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So here I was one day,flipping through the channels,then I flipped to the Disney channel,and who do I see.. freakin Miley Cyrus singing some song about a bug....

WTF is that?! How do you people stand to listen to music about bugs on walls?

WTF is that song even about?

I mean "Dont you wish you were a bug on a wall"

NO I dont wish I was a bug on the wall...people squish bugs.

I mean is she just so stupid that she now has to sing about bugs on the wall?

Can someone just at least tell me WTF that song is about?




  1. *Screams*

    Make the bad girl stop!!

    Stop, stop stop!!!

    *Scatters to the corner*

    I think that song's about how insted of her uploading all her bad photos online, he should just be a fly on the wall, watching her in her panties.


  2. i just dont get it! being a fly on the wall seems kinda stalkerish cuz you're watching

    i hate her music and she sucks..oh and the only way i know about this is my baby cuz loves disney, so i am forced to watch it..

  3. idefk, i hate that song though, its just weird.

  4. Are you kidding me don't even bother, I don't watch or heard her songs am not interested and the Jonas brothers is a cheap imitation of the backstreet boy but they can play the instruments WOW not!

    I am 21 and when I was 13 or 14 I listened to Nsync or Backstreet boys,  brittney (although have no idea what wrong with her) But at least the lyrics where interesting love and stuff grown up topic you know.

  5. It's called "Fly On The Wall" and it's about how everyone wants to know all of her secrets. It makes sense. Look up the lyrics. You shoulden't judge her, sure you are entitled to your opnion but you don't even know her.You don't have to like her music, or her but I dont think you should be hating on her. I am not a fan, by the way.

  6. I hate that song.

  7. i have NO idea. i mean, most of her music isn't the best, but at least i get the concepts.  

  8. LMAOOO!!!

    I heard her sing her stupid

    7 things c**p song.

    My God,

    they really enhance her

    d**n voice I tell you!

  9. l0l.. DONT U WISH THAT U WERE A FLY ON THE WALL! that song is stuck in my head.. my sister was watchin DC games and that song game up.. i mean comon who wants to be a fly on the wall bc then her crush would see her wat do  u think the first thing h**l do KISS U?? no h**l freakin squish u! so no miley no one wants to be a fly on the wall!

  10. Fly on the wall. The dumbest ******* song EVER! And now for the dumbest ******* singer EVER! Miley Cyrus!

    I hate her soooo much! So d**n annoying!

  11. oh god i dont even know why disney still has miley i mean if they wanted a hoe they should just get a stripper  and she well even do better job  then miley .. oh and her music sucks really bad

  12. the biggest problem miley cyrus has is that her dad is a retarded mullet wearing g*y man who sang ache breaky heart. she couldn't help but recieve the dumb gene. she has somehow managed to gain this superstar role and the worst part of all is that people actually think shes good. i mean there are like grown ups thinking shes lke gods gift to earth. come on. what the h**l. like i can understand all the little girls, i was once an nysnc fan so i understand but remember i was 10 not a senior in high school or older. its ridiculas. my favorite is all the people who ask questions like "c'mon hannah montana is so like the greatest singer, guitarest, songwriter, band, a*****e, ever"? yay they sound real ****** intelligent. shes sings these dumb songs about stupid **** nobody cares about. i mean serously ****** use your brain and sing a song that means something instead of these dumbass thinks im not even sure quailfy for songs. and for all mily cryus fans, grow the F*ck up!!!! get a life.

  13. i honestly dont even care because i cant stqand that girl

  14. hey miley is loved by everyone

    even i also love him.

    no matter whatever she sings

    she sings great.

  15. People are strange.

    I many times also question

    peoples "taste" of music.

    I don't know.

    Maybe they're all looking for something

    to cling to. Everyone wants to be involved

    in what's popular.

  16. its fly on the wall

    its about how someguy doesnt trust her and he wishes he was a fly on the wall so he could see what she does.

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