
WTF is wrong with his p***s???

by  |  earlier

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Every time my somewhat new boyfriend and I are getting intimate, he is never erect. He has to "play" with it or I have to stimulate it some how before it gets hard. Ok....not a big deal I guess (though I'm not used to that at all)....but he also loses his erections quickly?? Then he'll close his eyes and play with it to get it hard again which of course is completely insulting to me. I'm getting a HUGE complex about this. I really do believe he is attracted to me, he has told me that from the start...and he seems to be genuinely interested....but I'm curious what is going on down there??? He recently went to the doc and his blood pressure is fine. I feel like its a delicate issue and I don't want to embarrass him by asking him what is I don't want him to lie to me to make me feel better. What should I do?? I've never had a boyfriend take so much work to have an erection? He's only 35 too.....




  1. He's masturbating far too much = /

  2. he jerks off too much

  3. WOW that's a problem if he has this problem at age 35 imagine a few years from now.if he closes his eyes an plays with it that's another problem if your attractive to him just by looking at you it should get hard he has issues dump him its either he don't like you or his old already or could be having to much s*x with difrent women.

  4. one word, mastrubating...he's doing it too much

  5. how big is it erect?

  6. trust me on this i know for sure what went wrong with him, its called too much masterbation, i should know, it has happened to me many times , he is more into ideal s*x than physical  

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