
WTF??? somethings wrong with me ><?

by  |  earlier

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for the last couple days i have been a bit weird i have hardly eaten i ate like 1 sandwhich 2 days ago and 2 pies yesterday and every now and then i would suddenly get all hungy and when i actually go to get food all of a sudden i just wasnt hungry, like WTF?? even worse last night i was about to have s*x with my G/F for first time and my p***s kept goin hard and soft constantly aka while i was in her it just went soft on me no matter how much i pumped im 17 could i be sick or somethin? i just had no sexual desire at all to have s*x and wasnt horny like i should have been, still made her o****m 7 times in 3 hours i just couldnt get it properly hard, she did m********e me 2 days ago but that couldnt be it...right??? SOMEONE HELP BEFORE I GO NUTS!!!!!!




  1. it is ok , you wont always. your not a homo and if you are thats ok too.

    good luck

  2. yer i think you may like the boys too

  3. i think your freaking out about nothing, just relax and make your self eat something!

    your member was acting up because you were nervous  about something or a whole ton of reasons!

    just make your self eat something and the next time you are with your gf i am sure you will be fired up and ready to go!

    the worse thing you can do is obsess about the way your p***s was acting it will make it happen again just forget last night and keep it positive that you made her happy!

    wow when i was a young pup all the guys i was with sucked-go you!

  4. Too late I think you are already there.

  5. maybe your homo

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