
WTFUX UP?! : with Cancer fems? :O

by Guest32305  |  earlier

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Why are Cancer girls/women shy and allow themselves to take a brutal beating from some low-life, who doesn't give 2cents about anyone or anything, because they're natural caring pplz? :O And is it also true that most/many Cancers have a nice set of um.... "WATERMELONS" xD. I NEED ANSWERS! :O (SIDE : I don't know why but I attract/ am attracted to alot of Cancers. :O)




  1. A: Well, it's been said that the erogenous zone for Cancers is the b*****s so...

    B: I agree with you.  A lot of Cancers have this martyr, victim thing about them that makes them easy targets, and, as their zodiacal opposite, I have a hard time getting that (Capricorns aren't really known for laying down and taking people's BS).

    Based on your 'hint', I'm guessing that you're a Leo?

    EDIT: Lemme guess, the thumbs down were from a bunch of whiny Cancers, right?  Figures.

  2. They prolly got beat up cause they were whining about something.


  3. haha. Im lovin his rude questions today.

    He screams aries.

    anyway, I love cancers, but both the mean and women seem to have attitudes. Most cancers I know are kinda weird, likey they're troubled, but I have had the closest relationships with them and they are NOTTT punks. I've literally been in a physical fight with a cancer and they mean business when they're mad. Im guessing they have some other power sign in their chart, because they were also super protective over me. When I'm drunk, I scare cancers lol They run from me, literally. I'm sorry but the cancers I know don't take ish from no-one and are super smart and dedicated.

  4. ok, so first it's "wtfux up w/ scorpio fems?" now it's cancers???

    are you ok??

    well, to answer your Q, yes. cancerians have very large errm....'watermelons'. no need for implants if you're born a crab. trust me.

    and i have never seen a crab not stick up for themselves. im one, and i let everyone know that if they want to fu*k w/ me, i insist so i have a reason to beat their sorry a*s...

    idk what cancers you've known. maybe the cry baby pushover type..but trust me. they're not all like that.

    we're not very caring to tell you the truth. most cancers ive known were moody people who'd blow up at me for every lil reason. lol.

    -cancer w/ aries rising

    ps, what's your sign?? i saw on your other Q that you said, "my sign will always be a mystery".???

    let's get real, here. seriously, what is it? or should i guess?

    edit: okaaaaaaaaay........aquarius? you give off an aquarius vibe for some reason. lol no wait, LIBRA. it's libra. right?

    edit: PISCES! YOURE PISCES! YOU GOTTA BE PISCES!!! yes or no?? lol. u got me all excited now.

  5. You said you like sushi.   Are you trying to say you're a pisces?

  6. Your answers: Not all Cancer women are shy, I've met a lot who are tough and don't take beatings from low lives. Anyone is naturally caring to a certain extent, even if they don't care about others some care about themselves. As for "watermelons" it depends on the person's genetics, not the Sun sign. Anyone is attracted to any sign even though they may be incompatible.

    Check their whole natal chart for the best answers of the individual.

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