
WW3 : if it happens, who will be the main countries involved ?

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I hope it never happens, but if it does and I believe it will (due to several factors), who will be involved ?

I am German and I think the EU will be allied with the USA against an alliance of IRAN / CHINA / SUDAN (or other radical country).

Also what will be the cause of the war ?

Im not religious but let us pray that it doesnt happen !






  1. Do not be so sad  - get on with your  - do not delay

  2. i actually cant wait for ww3

    i'm hoping for bleacher tickets

  3. I don't think that ANYBODY should think of that topic..... in what position the US is in right now, that is a very strong topic to discuss.

  4. Since nuclear weapons are useless to the nations that own them. To use them would cause too much damage to themselves.

    The next big war will not involve countries, but people and secret organisations. The weapons will be chemical warfare agents which are easy to make and cheap and which can be used to dispatch more people than conventional weapons.

    The people who will do this are already around but they are not detectable. They are not members of any political group or religion.

    You had better wish they do not succeed. Most government

    agencies know they exist but can't work out how they are so powerful, and the full extent of the threat.

  5. Quickblur said exactly ..... exactly what i said to my husband the other day and something we here agree on, so i won't repeat because quickblur said it all for me.

    8 - )

  6. I hope it doesn't happen either, but you could look up Nostradamus.

  7. The quartet as it were comprised of the US,EU,UN and Russia are doing all that they can to keep this nuclear genie in the bottle but they know that they cant hold it back due to radical islam i.e. Iran they are only about a year or two from having enough fissionable material to make a nuclear weopon the U.S will strike Iran without warning do you think that the B-52 incident with the atomic bombs was a glitch no way thats why the Admiral in charge of the middle east was forced out of office because he aborted the mission Prophcy states that a third part of man over a fourth part of the earth will be destroyed in and around the river euphrates it says damascus will cease to be a city ammon jordan will be desolved with fervent heat and that a smoke will come out of basra from generation to generation and will be inhabited only with scorpions a jackels. the cause of the war will be the scripture about a measure of wheat for a penny and two measures of barly for a penny and see that you do not hurt the oil or the wine (gasoline and wine in strongs shows that it means lifestyle) thats the reason

  8. The U.S. will fight alone.  The E.U. have come to the idea that little or nothing is worth fighting over.  Look at all the U.N. resolutions passed against Iraq and Saddam, but Europe and the U.N. still didn't want to force Saddam to comply when force was the only option.  Europe is being taken over by islam and when it gets really bad, Europe will have their hands full at home, much less abroad.  If your not aware, nowhere in Bible prophesy is the U.S.A. mentioned.  I believe that eventually, the U.S. will become insignificant and no longer matter on the world stage.  Possibly when China decides to collect on all the money we borrowed to buy their cheap c**p.  I'm afraid that America will become a third world country and people will be hungry, I mean really hungry here.  Luckily, I can farm.  America has a lot of enemies out there, and even more fair weather friends.  When it gets bad, we will have one friend that has any pull at all, England, but they'll be defending their homeland from the next Moorish crucade.

  9. This Iraqi war might be WWIII so the US could be a major factor!

  10. all earth

  11. It'll probably start when China and India get really huge population and economically. At this point resources will be strained to the breaking point. China and Russia will ally together along with North Korea, Cuba, Venezuala and some of the African dictatorships that China is supporting.

    Iran will jump on because they want their chance to get a crack at Israel so the other Arab nations will as well. India will be backed up by the EU, USA, Japan, Australia, Canada and a few other major allies.

    And you're right, I'm not religious either but let hope that never happens. With so many powerful countries involved it would get really ugly really fast.

  12. yeah, lets just pray for peace on earth.

  13. thats an interesting theory. i hope it wont happen either. idk what would happen...

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