
WWE Championship Scramble Rant/Question- Spoilers?

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So if you don't know already, they also now have a WWE championship scramble for HHH's title. The contenders are

The Kendrick

Jeff Hardy


Shelton Benjamin

Why is The Kendrick here? Yes he's undefeated, yes he's a decent mic with decent Heel heat, but there are a few that deserve it more. He seems to be getting pushed way too much. Why are they not pushing Kennedy, especially with the amazing fan reactions for him.

MVP deserves a little run. I hate him, but he deserves a little bit of a Title run. Jeff has always needed the WWE championship hunt, he proved that last year vs. Orton. Benjamin I dont understand either. They're probably going to make him Job even more than he already does with the US championship.

As for Kendrick and his "impressive" run, what about Kozlov? He's undefeated longer and is long overdue for some real matches.

Lastly am I the only one who thinks Festus should've been inserted?




  1. Interesting take.  I agree on the Kendrick point.  Smackdown definitely has a bigger star than Brian to put in there.  Even Umaga would be an acceptable substitute, and a more credible one at that.  I also don't think Shelton should be in their either.  I think Festus would suffice as a credible competitor at this point.  He's definitely reached a JttS status lately after losing to Taker (after passing out, not tapping, no less).

    I'm happy with both Kendrick and Kozlov's progression, and I don't think either should be in this type of match quite yet.  Brian may never reach that level sheerly due to height and body build restraints that he can't really overcompensate for in a WWE environment.  Kozlov will eventually make it up the ranks, considering he's 6'2'' and an interesting worker to watch in the ring

    As for your final question, it's been said that the falls in the Title Scramble will not count as a title win unless you're holding the belt after the time limit runs out.  Meaning the only win that will ultimately count is the fall before the time runs out.  I have my qualms with how this match is being booked.  First of all, I don't think any world title should be put in such a prestige-killing gimmick match.  Even if the wins don't count, it's obvious that the current champion is going to get pinned at least once, and in some cases, will retain.  So what does that say about that champion?  That a cheap rollup can catch them off guard?  That they can be dealt with in under 20 minutes?  That really doesn't say a lot...

  2. Okay time to show some WWE savvy I see.

    Anyways, The answers to your questions are here. The Kendrick is getting a push because they are trying to put him over as a charactor similar to a young Shawn Michaels seeings as he was trained by Michaels. Jeff Hardy Deserves a run but I don't see him walking out of unforgiven as a champion. I think he might win at one of the big four PPVs being Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Survivor Series or the Royal Rumble. His run should appear, however short, within the next two years. Yes MVP deserves a run but it wouldn't last. They wouldn't let it last against HHH. WWE is really trying to put Benjamin over as of late, he's worked hard for years but hasn't really gotten "his shot." The only wrestler who could really walk as WWE champ out of the four is Hardy. It's not biased opinion it's fact as Hardy has the tenure, expierience and ability to be put of well as more than a paper champion.

       For your final question, seeing as it is the same style scramble as RAW, then no he would not be a two time champion officially. As Mike Adamle said "the title holder at the end of the 20 minutes will be OFFICIALLY recognized as the WWE Champion." Still I feel HHH will walk as champion with all the influenve he has backstage.

  3. big show deserves it

  4. jeff hardy

  5. yes jeff hardy would be considered a 2 timer

    but i no kendirk no

    jeff hardy and triple h should be only two who win to me

    whc- winner= kane him and rey fued for the title

  6. Erm..... i would consider him a 2 time champon

    but he wont walk out the winner

    i hope either JBL, Batista or CM Punk wins the raw one


  8. kendrick is just getting a push. not that he really deserves it though.

    YES , kennedy should be in there. but he is staying in the mid card slot and may be on his way out the door of wwe.

    umm , benjamin? whats the point? he sucks. yes he's a great athlete but his mic skills are dryer than dirt.

    kozlov has a good gimmick but as for int he ring? alot more needs to come together before he'll even get real competition.

    festus could be in it just for a laugh. SD's scramble is a joke anyway compared to raw's. just like their elimination chamber, Raw's is always better.

    WQ: i don't believe if one were to get a pined during the match they would be recognized as champion. only the winner at the end would be.

    i agree with "prophet" , the way these 2 matches has been booked sucks. with 2 wrestlers starting then every 5 minutes a new one entering. the last entrant only has 5 minutes to win the title.

    they should have booked it where all 5 men start in the ring at once.

    in at least on match the last entrant will win.

    probably HHH (sd) & Batista (raw)

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