
WWE Tag Team Match: The Miz Alex Riley Vs MVP Show Time Percy Watson

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WWE Tag Team Match:  The Miz  Alex Riley Vs MVP Show Time Percy Watson

It is the second season of NXT and the wrestling world is looking for the next break out star of WWE. In NXT, eight wrestling rookies compete with each other in different type of wrestling matches. Eight professional wrestlers are assigned to these rookies, so that they could train the rookies and make them the best wrestler on the NXT roster. All the NXT rookies need to make an impact but they all know that the best wrestler will win the competition. Moreover, these rookies will put their bodies and careers on the line to become the best wrestler.

Last Tuesday the first match was a tag team contest. The fight was between the team of the current United States Wrestling Champion, “The Miz” and his rookie, “Alex Riley” and the team of “MVP” and his rookie, “Show Time Percy Watson”. Alex Riley considers himself a rare breed and tells his fans that his father was a famous pro football player and mother the former Miss Virginia. On the other hand, Show Time Percy Watson is a humble fighter and loves to party. Percy Watson has the ability to attract the crowd with his stylish wrestling moves and unorthodox manoeuvres.

The Miz and Alex Riley entered the ring with their infamous arrogant style. Miz who was holding the United States Championship on his shoulder walked towards the ring in an electrifying style. Then it was MVP and Show Time Percy Watson, who entered the ring and entertained the crowd. All the professional wrestlers were sitting on the start of the ramp and were evaluating the match. The recommendations of professional wrestlers were vital for the advancement of wrestling careers of these rookies. In addition to the professional wrestlers, the wrestling fans had the opportunity to vote for the wrestler of their choice.

It was Alex Riley, who started the match by facing Show Time Percy Watson. Alex Riley went right on the attack and grabbed the skull of Percy Watson in a head lock. He then ran in the ring to build momentum and knocked down Percy Watson by running into him. Percy then retaliated with some stylish standing drop kicks and continuously targeted the jaw of Alex Riley. The competition was severe as both rookies knew that they needed to make an impact in order to survive on NXT. The rookie making the least impact will be eliminated as the fans and professional wrestlers vote in the coming weeks.

Then it was MVP’s turn to bring destruction in the ring as he delivered some hard core punches on the face of the rookie, Alex Riley. Miz came in to help, as the strategy and strength of Alex Riley was no match against the professional wrestling skills of MVP. MVP then tagged in his rookie, Percy Watson so that he could face the United States Champion and could improve his fighting skills. Show Time Percy Watson looked impressive as he jumped high in the air and landed on the abdomen of The Miz. For a moment, it seemed that Percy Watson will receive the biggest win of his life, as he went for the cover and the referee started counted to three. However, Alex Riley came from behind and broke the count as he punched the head of Show Time Percy Watson.

Then suddenly, The Miz caught Percy Watson off guard and tossed him high in the air. Percy Watson landed on the top rope of the ring and looked towards MVP with desperation. Miz then grabbed Percy Watson and executed his wrestling finisher called the “Skull Crushing Finale”. In this dangerous but effective move, Miz grabbed the head of his opponent and then gave a jerk to smash the skull on the ring floor. Miz quickly went for the cover after executing this move and the referee counted to three with both shoulders of Percy Watson touching the ring floor.  


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