
WWE Unforgiven, interesting prospects.?

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Am I the only person that would like to see either Brian Kendrick or MVP leave with the WWE championship?




  1. id love to see jeff hardy win he has worked so hard but i think hhh will win

  2. I would LOVE for MVP to leave with the title. I think a feud with mvp and hhh will be good for smackdown. benjamin wont win since he has the u.s. title, although the wwe title would look good on him.  

  3. I think it would be funny if The Brian Kendrick left Unforgiven with the championship, but, I'm really rooting for MVP. As long as Jeff Hardy doesn't win I will be happy.

  4. I'm sitting ringside. I'm praying to god that anyone wins the WWE Championship other than Jeff Hardy. If MVP won, it would a major surprise, but it would definitely be awesome. As far as the World Heavyweight Belt, I'd like to see either Kane or Batista. It's pretty clear that Kane won't win it, so I'm gonna cheer for Batista. But I'd also like to see JBL win it. I think I'll be the only JBL fan in Cleveland that night!

  5. I dont know im thinking Shelton or Jeff hopefully its Jeff though

  6. I don't think Brian Kendrick deserves to be WWE Champion yet i mean he hasn't beaten anyone top class like Shelton Benjamen in singles competition so i don't think he is ready yet. In my opinion MVP deserves a title run I think he is one of the most underratted superstars in WWE and I would love for a heel to hold the Championship. But if I have to be honest I think Jeff Hardy will leave Unforgiven with the gold around his waist.

  7. Deffo Not 'The'  Brian Kendrick. Cos hes been heel for  like 2 weeks and isnt even that good of a wrestler / entertainer so not him

    But Yeah MvP, That would be cool and most importantly ... fresh, the wwe are increadibly STALE with there storylines,same people getting titles, and i see the mvp vs jeff hardy feud being 1000x better if it was over the wwe title!

    But predicatable wwe will probally have both hhh and punk retain

  8. Not really, I'm rooting for MVP to leave Unforgiven as the new WWE Champ.

  9. No, you aren't.  As long as anyone but Jeff Hardy or HHH leave with the belt, I'll be happy.

    MVP, Shelton, or The Brian Kendrick would be awesome.

    MVP vs. Jeff Hardy feud with the World title at stake.  That would be pretty cool.  

    But I want HHH to lose and I don't want Hardy to win it.  Just my personal opinion.

    But in reality, if anyone wins it other than HHH it'll be Jeff.

    I would like to be proven wrong, but I doubt it.

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