
WWE mid carder or TNA main eventer?

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if you were a wrestler would you rather be a wwe mid carder or a tna main eventer?

they both get paid about the same.

would you even rather be a low card wwe curtain jerker than a tna main eventer?




  1. Ummm yes now this statement is wrong because TNA pays their employees less money than the WWE but according to your conditions, I would go to TNA where I can be a main eventer

  2. "...i'm saying a tna main eventer makes about the same $ as a wwe mid carder..."

    That's actually not completely true. Kurt Angle and Sting are two TNA main-eventers that get paid just as much as any WWE main-eventer. Just like with WWE, the main-eventers have to be the people that draw in the most money and are the most dedicated to the company's success.

    I rather be a TNA main-eventer. TNA, just like WWE, is a wrestling company, and TNA wrestlers get more time off than WWE wrestlers do. TNA wrestlers also get to do more in the ring and are less restricted in terms of actually wrestling.

  3. The main eventer is always better for your career than a mid carder, IMO.

  4. ROH main eventer

  5. i would say WWE mid carder because no matter how bad i did in WWE compared to how great i did in TNA i would never turn on WWE because it has been watched by me since i was 6 years old and TNA is relativly still new

  6. TNA Main Eventer of course because WWE misuses their talent.

  7. I would definitely choose the main event.

  8. TNA main eventer because I'll get paid the same, work less and be around my family more.  And as a main eventer I surely won't get fired.

    In the WWE, they fire mid to low carders every other day.  If I were a mid-carder in the WWE I'd have no job security.

    Stacy's right, WWE mid-carder make more than most TNA main eventers.  Not ALL, but most, but even so, I'd rather have less work, the same amount of money or a little less, job security and be the top dog in a company any day.

  9. WWE midcarder. Simply because I like WWE more than TNA. I know it sounds a bit simple but alot of great WWE talents were midcarders such as Lance Storm.

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