
WWE title Scramble Qualifying Matches..anyone else notice this?

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Shelton Bejmain won because Mike Knox distracted Finlay

MVP won because MVP booted jesse in the face and festus ran at him, then mvp jumped in the ring and festus was counted out

Jeff Hardy won because Triple H hit Khali with the Chair

Kendrick won because Big Show eliminated everybody and Kendrick got caught by his body guard..

Anyone else find it odd how all of them didn't win their matches by them selves?

So, does it look like Triple H will definitly win or something?

I might be looking too much into it but it does seem weird...what are your thoughts on this?




  1. That's a good observation. I didn't notice that. It is weird............  I don't think Triple H will deffiantly win I'd say Jeff or MVP for the title.

  2. I didn't really notice that, but thanks for pointing that out(sarcasm). Actually I don't care as long as Jeff Hardy is in it. I mean they might as well just crown him the new Champion right now.

  3. Regardless, whoever wins it has been decided already, and has been for a long time.

    Sorry, but it's a poor American soap opera.

  4. watever mccmahon says.

  5. interesting, i didn't notice that either. nice, and now triple h knows knows the tactics of kendrick and mvp, go jeff hardy!

    P.S. Jeff Hardy Rocks!!!

  6. I guess they were trying to kill two birds with one stone there.  (Putting 5 guys into the Scramble plus, adding heat to 5 other feuds/storylines)

    That's the only logical reason for having all 5 matches end via interference.

  7. oh i didnt notice that



                                                                                I I I I  

  8. I'll be...aint you the sherlock holmes of the wrestling section! I think HHH will definetly win, Vince isnt gonna let his son in law lose the title any time soon.  

  9. Interesting observation.

    I didn't see SmackDown, but for the most part, I'm just guessing those contenders were placed in because:

    1. A lot of fans call each of them "underrated"

    2. This is something different for HHH since it's not a regular main-eventer.

    3. It will show fans how each wrestler works in a main-event match.

    I'm still thinking HHH will win it, but at least people can see if these "underrated" wrestlers are main-event worthy.


  10. I agree, all have to do with interfernces.

  11. i noticed that too

  12. I've only just realised this and i think it is quite possible but who knows there many be a victory for jeff hardy who knows .

  13. i noticed that too

    but i dont think that has anything to do with the result of the unforgiven main event in anyway...?

  14. the others dont belong in the same ring as Triple H enough said...

  15. yeah i did notice that. but i liked the outcomes anyway. but triple h hit khali with a chair because he is the competition. like he said the night after one night stand he doesn't care whos asses he beats but at unforgiven Jeff will be the one kicking *** starred

  16. I call it my soap opera I keep myself glued to that show until its over- if no drama-people no watch. so I suppose thats what they are aiming at!

  17. I didn't notice it until you said something either.

    But they could just make it more interesting that way.

    Or to play with your mind, lol.

    I don't think HHH Is going to win actually. I think he's held the title too many times and there giving other superstars a chance to take it with these Championship scrambles.

    Maybe they'll build suspense though, like HHH will have it towards the end and right when the bells about to ring someone else gets the 3 count.

  18. Yes I did notice, its annoying, so many matches recently have been won unfairly, noone seems to win matches without interferrence anymmore whether it is Title or non title matches. It happens to often.

  19. Good question. Well, I doubt anyone like Kendrick or MVP will win the title. It'll probably be a huge name like HHH or Cena who comes out the winner.

  20. the great khali match waz one of th worst ever! khali fell and jeff didnt even touch him he jus clipped his shoulder. u know khali can destroy everyone in the wwe undertaker might have had a chance if he was younger but other than that knowone can stop him there making him look bad by putting him in all these dumb matches against weak opponents it pisses me of!  

  21. when wrestlers do not win clean, that means the booker in the back is getting heat from the wrestlers for a push and the booker does not know ho to turn them down. Some young wrestlers do not understand you can lose and get more popular like shane lost to Kurt and became more popular, mankind lost to taker and gain more popularity, austin lost to bret and gain more popularity

  22. That was a good observation.  I did not notice that

  23. Yah i noticed that Finally Hannah Hardys back!!!!!!!!

  24. that is wierd, but i would have liked to see at least one person actually win it by themselves.

  25. yeah somethings up with this one, only Hardy and MVP belong in that match, Shelton, yeah maybe, Kendrick sould not be in this thing at all, i'm hoping he's going to have to put up his spot against the Big Show

  26. Oh Yeah Never realised that, u could be onto somthing there but i just cant see HHH Defending At Unforgiven, its obvious Punk will retain cos the wwe are obsessed with making him look a worthy champion (even though i disagree) ...

    I Predict MVP Will Win the title and HHH, i think MVP Will feud with HHH For a while untill Jeff Hardy Takes it From him

    i just realised i totally went off track with ur question :P

  27. well it's for the championship title this will mean youre the best of the best. Ofcourse we all know triple H will win. he's held the title a thousand times. None of the others ever held the world title. ONLY the best wrestlers that are pushed the most hold this title. You think brian kendrick will win the wwe championship and be crowned the best of the best? get F'in real. OBVIOUSLY it WONT be Benjamin, MVP, jeff hardy or kendrick. WE ALL KNOW triple H will be the last man standing. just give him a title save time and have another match. that is a ridiculously stupid match with an outcome we all know will be.

  28. jef fwill win well he rekons he will on the phone lat nite he was like ill let ya touch it n all this c**p

    he's annoying some times

  29. Hey this is this new WWE.  THey ahve been doing this awhile now.

    Theres like no such thing as pinfalls or fair fights anymore, unless two faces battle each other and its a real shame.  

    Every heel tends to have some protection these days.  Edge w/ formely La Familia.  Then you got The Brian KEndrick with Zeke, jericho w/ Cade.

    Its just ridiculous.  Thats why the attitude ERA was better.  More straight up matches where the conclusion dont lead to like disqualifications and such.

    Yes, Triple H defiently win.  I can already see the headline on WWE.  "The Game Wins!"

  30. Ya but HHH hasn't had many matches on smackdown at all himself >_>

  31. wow i didn't realize , yea i think that HHH will win (hope not) i'm sick n tired of seeing a power freak like triple H with the WWE title, that's why i'm rooting for HARDY !! in the match;) and jeff deserve the title more than HHH

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