
WWF Attitude Era Vs WWE Era?

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who win: * Will Be in the main event

The Rock* vs John Cena* for the people championship

Tag Team Match: The Hardy Boyz (then) Vs The Hardys (now)

D'lo Brown(then) Vs Shelton Benjamin

Mirror Match: The Undertaker(l.o.d.) Vs The Undertaker(big evil)

Stone Cold* Vs JBL

Tornado Tag Team Match: D-X(Triple H & Shawn Michaels) (then) Vs D-X(Triple H* & Shawn Michaels) (Now)

For The Undisputed WWF/WWE Championship)

Triple H(WWF) Vs The Undertaker(WWE hybrid deadman) Vs The Rock(WWF) Vs John Cena(WWE) Vs Stone Cold(WWF) Vs Randy Orton(WWE)

Dark Matches: Chris Jericho(then) Vs Chris Jericho(now)

X-Pac Vs Cm Punk




  1. John Cena

    The Hardys (Now)

    Shelton Benjamin

    The Undertaker (Big Evil)

    Stone Cold

    D-X (Then)

    Randy Orton

    Chris Jericho (Then)

    CM Punk

  2. wwf all the way

  3. The Rock

    The Hardy Boyz (Past)

    Shelton Benjamin

    The Undertaker (L.O.D.)

    (Are you serious?) Stone Cold

    Tie (HHH is better now, HBK was better in the past)

    The Rock, Stone Cold, or Randy Orton (Triple H was nothing in WWF,Undertaker is old)

    Chris Jericho (Past) First Undisputed Champion, why is he in the Dark Match?

    CM Punk

  4. WWF Atituder ERA was the best Vince has ever had--highest Tv ratings in the history

    Ofcourse Atituder era

  5. I miss the good old days....

    Attitude Era would kick ***!

  6. The Rock

    Hardy Boyz (then)


    The Undertaker LOD

    Stone Cols

    DX Then

    The Rock or Randy Orton, to tough to choose

    Jericho Then

    CM Punk

  7. WWE wins for sure. WWE has wrestlers and not entertainers. Why do you think people from the wwf era can't make it now.

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