
Wachovia bank is safe to diposit?

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Wachovia bank is safe to diposit?




  1. id stick with the big big banks in the up coming months the little banks are going to collapse.

  2. Yes very safe altho i perfer bank of america there are more branches

  3. Are you talking about cash in the ATM

    If you are bank of america has some atms with money readers like a vending machine so your deposit is secure

  4. fff

  5. Yes. It is FDIC.

  6. I love Wachovia. I bank with them. I would say yes it's there safe. I had know problems with them.

  7. sorry but dumb question, but I guess expected....

    unless you got more than $100k in the bank, you should not worry.  

    Wachovia is not going under and neither is Wamu.  Indymac (the bank that went into FDIC hands) only had 19 billion in assets and of those assets most of them were risky loans.  They also had little deposits and retail customer base so they weren't really in good shape to begin with.  Wamu and Wachovia are retail banks with mortgage portfolios that make up less than 10% of their entire portfolio.  Risky loans hurt them but not to the extent people think.

  8. I think it is safe to deposit in any bank providing you don't put more than 100,000.00 in any one bank. The FDIC will insure accounts up to 100,000.00.

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