
Wacko Jacko's Neverland ranch up for sale...........?

by  |  earlier

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So wack'o jackson owes 24 million $ on his ranch which may be sold off if he doe's not sell it.

Even if you could afford it, would you buy it, I mean come on, who knows what you might find and I could not sleep nights, not there, not knowing what may have gone on.

The man (He is a man I guess) was found Innocent of all chargies so innocent he is.

But buy that ranch, not for me.




  1. i'd buy it!

  2. I wouldnt buy it. You know theres some dodgy kiddy stuff he's probably got stashed away there ........

  3. Nope!

  4. $24.000.000 thats a bum deal, I`d feel like I`de been stabbed in the backor abused having to pay that.

  5. If you couldn't make the $24M back in magazine and National Enquirer deals then you hired the wrong marketing guy.

  6. and have the Feds come round in the future pulling the place apart looking for further evidence following the next claim from someone,no thanks.

  7. Repossession will get Northern Rock out of a hole.  As it will then be owned by the Government i heard they would rent it to Tony Blair.

  8. Well Gary Glitter is getting released, maybe he will buy it

  9. What is so gob smacking is the 24 million of debt.

    I wouldn't want a bar of that place. And I don't believe he is innocent for a minute.

  10. I would buy it then open it to the public as a week end entertainment hotel and hire Jack to come back and do some Haunting to real spice up the visit!!!!

  11. i'll offer £10 for the place... :D

  12. I'd buy it and make it into a giant amusement park and make a fortune.

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