
Wad to do if ur gf and ur sister in law are not in good condition?

by  |  earlier

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i having headache with the 2 of them , how and wad to do ? please give me a very good suggestion please.....




  1. I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but it sounds as if you're caught in between the two of them not getting on?

    Give them space away from each other. Let the situation cool, so they both have a clear head from whatever the trouble is. Then just be straight with them, tell them it has got to stop as it's getting no where. And they will just have to agree to disagree. It's all about finding a happy medium, and something that works both ways.

    Sorry if that's not the problem you where asking for help with? But i just went with what it sounded like.

    Hope it helps anyway.

  2. this question is hard to understand, try re-phrasing it and you might get a better responce.

    They are bad people?

    They are sick?

    They are bugging you and you want to get back at them? get rid of them? Make them feel better?

    very confusing

    sorry, : )

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