
Wage Garnishment in COLO?

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I live in Colorado, at my prior job I was being garninshed for unpaid rent, 2 questions 1, my old employer (Manager) knows my new Employer, can he report me being garnished to him and get it started again? Or will the State eventualy find out. 2.At a job can you be garnished more than once? I was told by my past employer that another company is in line to get me on a trivial amount but can only garnish you one at a time is this true?




  1. It's all up to the courts. Chances are though that if you owe the money and REFUSE to pay it, they will win a judgment against you. Best to pay it off as if you don't you'll probably incur additional costs related to all the costs the creditors incur tracking you down and extracting money out of you. Although it appears that you really don't care about that. Unfortunately for you, it will cost you.

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