
Wahaaay, I'ts Payday, Why does it seem to take longer to come round each month,lol?

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s****. is going up town tonight so beware, lock your Daughter up.




  1. Awe s****. don't be like the cowboys and ride into town and blow all your cash??????

  2. lol, I get paid weekly so it doesn't bother me!!

  3. What about this one "why is there so much month left at the end of my money" Thats more the case in this household lol!

  4. Payday takes longer these days because everything costs more. Lets say you make 1,000 month, pay 500 rent, 100 food, 100 gas, and 200 in other bills. Now gas costs 150, only 150 left for other bills, rent got boosted by, oops only 100 to last the month and for those bills, food went up... 20 cents here, 1.00 there, now food is costing 50. more per month, movies were 7.50 now they are near 10.00 and forget the popcorn because you wont have enough money for the new wiper blades for the car, or new underwear. You are out of money before payday, yikes. makes that pay day seem way far out there...... simply economics. It might feel better for you if you cut back on some items. maybe only drive when you have to, no extra trips, no chips and dip, or only 2 movies a month instead of 3 or 4. times are tough but you can do it. ma

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