
Wahhabi's what is Zawaj Masyyar, how it is different than Shia's Muta'a?

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So what is difference in Wahhabis and Shia's when both have same kind of beliefs




  1. They never talk about Masyyar......all they do is talk about Muta'a.

    Well funny thing they say that Masyyar is different and its not allowed......but they also say that its much better then Muta'a.

  2. as MNS said,misyar is a halal marriage_even though i am 100% against it_it requires witnesses,and a marriage contract,and the girl's walli agreement,and it is not determined with a certain period of time


    the difference between misyar and normal marriage is that the man is not obligated to support his wife financially,or provide her a house so they'd live together,and actually it is a solution for the high price of marriages these days...

    it's different than mut'a that misyar includes all conditions for legal and halal marrige,unlike mut'a which is basically prostitution,no witnesses,no contract,no walli.and it can be determined from 2 hours to years.

  3. Even though every body making fun of the word mutaa', in practice all muslims practice this

    shia= muta'a

    wahabi= misyar

    madhabis= hallal

    halla is akind of marriage, A women divorced third time or tripple talaq at once as practiced by madhabis- want reunite with first husband need somebody marry and after the intercourse she should get divorce.

    So an angry sunni-madhabi divorces his wife with tripple talaq arrange one person to marry his wife and get divorce after one day.

    This is worse than misyar and mutaa

  4. First define me wahabbi word? lol ?

    what is wahabi beliefs?


    Missyar is not Allowed by Muslim Salafi(Pure Muslims) scholars

    like ibin baz and ibin Othaymeen (Saudi scholars)

    and i will bring a fatwa by ibin baz about misyar

    and he said it's not allowed and any other form is not the normal Islamic one is not allowed

    while funny that shia scholar sistani is said misyar is prmesible

    lol !

    on the official website of Grand Ayatollah Sistani. We read:


        Is it permissible to do Misyar Marriage ? What is opinion of Sayed Sistani regarding this?


        In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

        Assalamu Alaykum

        The rules of the marriage are stated in the fatwaa books; hence, if the required conditions are satisfied then it is permissible.

        Wa Alaykum Assalam

        (source: The Official Website of Grand Ayatollah Sistani)


    Misyar is no way like Muta

    it's normal marriage but for travelers (siyyar) it has few different from Normal marriage so

    but Muta is PROSTITUTION !!

    Mutah = temporary

    Misyar = permanent

    Islamic scholar like ibin Baz

    disallowed it

    i will bring the fatwa brother abul haarith post it ones

    LOL  sufi shia and other deviant sects you are just funny

    I'm normal Muslim but alhamdulilah day after day i believe the right path is the path of great scholars who followed the salaf al salih

    EDIT: masha'allah he brought it already !

  5. I can't see any difference between Muta'a and  Zawaj masyyar both r Haram both r contract marriage for limited period and free from all the liabilities.

    May Allah protect us.      

  6. Question:

    As-Salam Alaykum,

    What is the difference between “Mutah” of the Shia and “Misyar” of the Sunnis? I have heard many Shia defending Mutah by accusing Sunnis of believing in Misyar which they say is a very degrading institution. Can you please tell me what is the difference between the two, and how do we respond to a Shia person who says this?

    Answer by Team Ahlel Bayt:

    Firstly, the Shia scholars believe in the permissibility of Misyar. So all these silly e-Shia propagandists are making fools of themselves by demonizing Misyar. The permissibility of Misyar marriage has been stated on the official website of Grand Ayatollah Sistani. We read:


        Is it permissible to do Misyar Marriage ? What is opinion of Sayed Sistani regarding this?


        In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

        Assalamu Alaykum

        The rules of the marriage are stated in the fatwaa books; hence, if the required conditions are satisfied then it is permissible.

        Wa Alaykum Assalam

        (source: The Official Website of Grand Ayatollah Sistani)

    Secondly, Mutah is temporary and so it is like prostitution. Instead, Misyar is permanent and is therefore a marriage. So this is the fundamental and monumental difference between Mutah and Misyar. In Mutah, a Shia man pays a few dollars to have s*x with a w***e, and they are “married” for less than one hour. On the other hand, Misyar is permanent and lasts forever. In fact, it is Haram to contract Misyar if you have the intention of divorce. So it is the same as Nikah (i.e. it is Haram to have the intention to divorce when you marry that person).

    So what is Misyar? Misyar is simply when the woman voids her right to be financially supported by her husband. This makes common sense: how many of university students today can relate to this? The man is still in university and can therefore not support a girl financially. Instead of getting into a life of sin, the two get married and the woman voids her right to maintenance so that they can get married.

    That is all. That is it. Nothing at all similar to Mutah.

    Mutah = temporary = prostitution

    Misyar = permanent = marriage

    This craze to equate Mutah with Misyar is one of the desperate attempts of the Shia propagandists to conflate simple issues, just like they conflate abrogation with Tahreef. This is to hide their embarrassment over their filthy religion which allows women to be rented by the hour.

    Another major difference between Misyar and Mutah is that the Sunni scholars have stated that Misyar is discouraged whereas the Shia scholars actively encourage Mutah, claiming that a woman who whores herself out in Mutah to two men will be forgiven all her sins and enter Paradise.

    Once again, there is absolutely no comparison between Misyar (which is permanent) to Mutah (which is temporary and can last for even one hour or one day).

  7. both Mut'ah and Misyar are Haram.

  8. Muta'a is islamic

    And look how corrupt their sect is

  9. The scholars of Ahlus Sunnah have Deemed Misyar impermissible.

    These are some Fataawah of Shaykh Ibn Baaz on Nikaah Misyaar in arabic:

    سماحة الشيخ ما الفرق بين زواج المسيار والزواج الشرعي وما الشروط الواجب توافرها لزواج المسيار ؟

    فأجاب رحمه الله :

    ج : الواجب على كل مسلم أن يتزوج الزواج الشرعي وأن يحذر ما يخالف ذلك سواء سمي زواج مسيار أو غير ذلك . ومن شرط الزواج الشرعي الإعلان فإذا كتمه الزوجان لم يصح ؛ لأنه والحال ما ذكر أشبه بالزنى ، والله ولي التوفيق .

    فتاوى ابن باز (الجزء رقم : 20، الصفحة رقم: 432)

    يدور كلام كثير حول تحريم وتحليل زواج المسيار ونود من سماحتكم قولا فصلا في هذا الشأن مع بيان شروطه وواجباته إن كان في حكم الحل؟

    فأجاب رحمه الله .

    شروط النكاح هي تعيين الزوجين ورضاهما والولي والشاهدان فإذا كملت الشروط وأعلن النكاح ولم يتواصوا على كتمانه لا الزوج ولا الزوجة ولا أولياؤهما ، وأولم على عرسه مع هذا كله ، فإن هذا نكاح صحيح سمه بعد ذلك ما شئت . انتهى . مجلة البحوث الإسلامية (الجزء رقم : 62، الصفحة رقم: 84)

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