
Waht's the difference between radio and internet?

by  |  earlier

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I want some suggestion?

1-waht's the difference between radio and internet?

2-what kind of people like radio?

3-how do you think the ads in the radio?

4-Do you think radio will be more and more popular in the future?

5-Are radios popular in the countryside?




  1. What some suggest as Radio to be something located in your car or at your home, Radio can also be in your computer, Radio can be plug in or has battery. Radio on the Internet comes by way of computers using the Internet  to get its signal, home, car or portable Radio use an antenna.

  2. 1 - Depends:-)

    You find that internet based stations can cater to different tastes and can be tailored sometimes to a person's specific wants and desire in music whereas radio has to cater to the population as a whole.

    The internet is dependant upon a connection to the wired world whereas radio isn't and is way more portable and if done right can be very locally oriented.


    Many kinds of people. Most who like it are found to be people who aren't as internet savy as say most Generation Y and some Generation Xers. But Usually it's just about anyone who normally likes music or stimulating talk. It's hard to define as most people like radio in some form or another.


    4- Quite opposite, it is currently competing for ad dollars with all other media that wasn't a factor in the before internet or even before broadband internet days. We stream media so fast we don't have to worry about wating to hear a song like before so people are more than willing to try different avenues

    5- Yes... specially places where broadband is non-existant.. radio mainly competes with satellite radio in the US and Canada there but pretty much it's the last place where radio still does really well.

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