
Waht does this dream mean?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I'm not usually one to take dreams seriously(I've had some pretty weird ones) but I don't know this one is different for some reason. Ok so most of the kids from my class are sitting in an airport. There is this girl from real life in the dream that I have liked for a while and we have been good friends for a long time before. So anyway, I start getting all weird and putting my arm around her and pretty much like physically flirting(you like cuddling? lol). Which I wouldn't normally do unless we were already goin out but we're not. So anyway she seems fine with it then everyone gets on the plabe. I'm sitting in one row with my friend, and across from us is the girl I like and her friend. We all start playing card games for a while and then, all of the sudden, my window breaks and I fly out of the plane. I look at the plane while I'm falling, and it explodes(like in CoD4).

What does this mean? It kidna freaked me out. i jsut wanna know though.

Thanks everyone.




  1. At least you got out of there before the plane exploded. I am glad to see that you made it out of there alive.

  2. It seems that you really like this girl and love having her as a friend.  You want more than friendship, but are afraid that if you show your true feelings that the easy relationship you have will cease, distance you from her, and your efforts will blow up in your face.

  3. Find out what religion she is.  Then you might understand the dream?

  4. i dont take dreams seriously myself, but if you want an answer here it goes:

    to me, it seems like a relationship with those girls will end before it can even get started. like yall barely know each other and yall already cuddling. next thing you know it, you fly out and the plane explodes. to me, thats a sign of a relationship ending, you know what i mean?

    please give me your take on my dream question:;...

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