
Waht kind of impact dose the CIA have on the worlds history? what lessons can we learn from the CIA being made

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um... this is for a school project so maybe some answers an 8th grader could use to help with my project.




  1. Most of US aid to foreign countries comes from the CIA so go from there.

  2. one example - hv we heard of al-qaeda before 9/11?  even when the american embassies in africa were bombed in the 1990s, no one not even cia knows al-qaeda was behind it as there was no al-qaeda.  

    so now those in al-qaeda thank cia for giving them so much credit and then organized all these war / espionage etc agst them.  all these make the ball goes round and round.  isnt it exciting?

    iraq war - colin powell himself was not sure of what he was reading in UN when he announced that usa will invade.  look at his face. who's behind it?  

    now tibet - can anyone one of us see cia in it?  well, we leave it to anyone's imagination.

    missiles in eastern europe?  

    well, lets see what's next?

  3. The thing is, we just don't know. It has been said by former CIA agents that the truly successful intelligence operations never really come to public light. The only black-ops we know about are the ones that didn't go as planned and the few that have been declassified.

    The secrecy under which the CIA operates makes the agency subject to a wide variety of speculations and inventive theories. They operate on a need to know, and we civilians simply do not need to know.

    Judging by what little I DO know, I can assure you... you don't WANT to know. Just drop this line of inquiry... you'll sleep better.

    Everything Martin said is true, and that's just the tip of a big dirty iceberg.

    What can we learn? Intelligence agencies such as the CIA, Mossad and MI5 are capable of ANYTHING. Don't ever doubt the extent of their Machiavellian techniques of geopolitical control. Nothing is too outrageous or immoral. If the end justifies the means, they will do it without a second thought. They will kill civilians, soldiers, US Presidents, and even their own agents. They will conduct false-flag attacks in order to justify military action (Gulf of Tonkin, USS Liberty, possibly 9/11). They will test drugs on civilian populations without their consent or knowledge, EVEN within the United States (see MKULTRA). They will surreptitiously install and support brutal dictators, arm them, and then send US soldiers in to fight them a few years later if it is perceived to be in the best interest of the overall agenda, whatever that may be.

    There is nothing these agencies aren't capable of.

  4. A huge impact. The CIA is supposed to play a role in defending the American people from attacks such as 9/11, but no. Since the 1950's, the CIA has been overthrowing governments like Iran, or Cuba. We pay governments such as the one Pakistan, to stay in control, if not, they get assassinated. The CIA has also been funding wars, or giving weapons to the mujahideen to fight off the Soviets in the 70's, we gave weapons to Saddam Hussien (who was our ally back then) to fight Iran, and sometimes, the CIA does smuggle illegal drugs. So they have a dirty policy, and they can give us a negative image on the world community.

  5. It usually has no impact whatsoever.   The reports in the political analysis section sit in the files and no one ever reads them and  no action is ever taken.

    On the other hand, CIA agents can be trusted, since they hardly ever tell anyone at HQ what is happening.  They should be required to publish about their adventures in magazines or the news.

    There were attempted Communist takeovers in every South American country.  What if the public found out that the "Chilean Transportation Police" have orders from the Queen of Albania to shoot anyone wearing cotton right in front of the other passengers on the Santiago, Chile, subway?

    What if  CIA agent said he saw the CTP shoot people wearing cotton on the subway every day and found out they take the bodies home to the Transportation Police collective and devour them?

    There would be a "clothes revolution"!!!  That is just an example but the CIA never opens its mouth about anything.  Your secrets will not be revealed!

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