
Waht responibilities do richer counties do to help in poor counitres in global warming?

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Waht responibilities do richer counties do to help in poor counitres in global warming?




  1. I can't answer that.

    I can't read some of the words.

    If you are in school and this is homework, for God's sake don't drop out.

  2. We need to stay out of their way and let them develop their natural resources.  We need to make sure that they are not prohibited from building power plants and developing their forests and grasslands.

  3. richer countries have no responsibilities toward helping poorer countries

    on the other hand they have no right to exploit them, or regulate their right to their own industrial revolution.

    join the heresy

  4. Richer countries have no responsibilities to poorer countries, for anything, including global warming.

    It's not the fault of rich countries that poor countries turned out to be the way they are now.  In fact, many poor countries would be in far worse situations if some rich country hadn't first colonized them.

    But, in the last 100 years, everybody has the romantic pipe dream of being a revolutionary (see the vast majority of America's barely-educated college youth).  They bleat like sheep for independence, but have no solution for self-government, which is necessarily thrust upon the victorious, newly independent.

    In fact, their best and only "solution" is to go crawling back to the rich country that laid the poor country's foundations, but this time, with pompous airs of indignation ("How dare you colonize us and repress our independence!") and entitlement ("You owe us retribution!")

  5. Seeing that it is the richer countries that are mostly responsible for global warming maybe they should cut down on their overuse of products that cause global warming.  Also supply the poorer countries with fans.  After all we have AC's all over the place.

  6. Not to transfer industrial zone in poor countries.This is the honest solution but nobody will listen to u.

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