
Waist Reducing Exercises. Know Any Good Ones?

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Waist Reducing Exercises. Know Any Good Ones?




  1. Where your fat is stored on your body is often predetermined by your genetic make-up.  Equally where you lose fat first is out of your control.  I have trained many people who have the misconception that isolated exercises will help them lose fat in a particular area.  Whilst this might help the area look more toned, it won't necessarily burn the fat in that same area.

    Your waist is often one of the last places on your body that loses its fat.  This is because you have a lot of precious organs close-by that need protection (from cold, impact etc).

    Instead of just exercising these small muscle groups, I recommend that you work larger muscle groups in order to burn more calories.  I agree that swimming is a great way to burn calories.  This mixed with a resistance programme (weights, crunches, press-ups etc) will help shed the fat.  The isolated exercises on the obliques can then be used to tone the waist for improved appearance.  Be sure to work your entire core though.  Just focusing on one muscle group can be bad for your posture.  If you work your abs, make sure you balance this by also working your lower back.

  2. What you're likely referring to is your obliques--they're on either side of your abdominal zone, and are commonly known as "lovehandles".  They're really difficult to trim down--after about a week of trying different routines, you'll finally figure out which movements maximize each routine--you can do the exercises wrong, and barely feel anything

    See the link below for instructionals on oblique workouts

    Adam:  saying oblique workouts won't burn fat in that zone is like saying abdominal exercises are useless for removing tummy fat.  Swimming involves twisting--great--but so do oblique exercises.  How exactly is swimming better (many muscle groups) than focused oblique training?  Swimming would be better for him overall--but he is ONLY worrying about his waist.

  3. Swimming. You can't spot reduce fat from the body, and training your obliques won't reduce your waist, as it is the bodyfat that you want to get rid of. Swimming involves lots of twisting of the body, and the rotating the hips. It also burns fat quite effectively and gives you good muscle tone.

  4. easy - go jogging for 30min each day - your body fat will drop off in no time.

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