I held my company's stock in my 401k for 25 years (Amex). Despite advising everyone else to diversify, I put it off and put it off, thinking that a nice blue chip like Amex would only do well in the long run. Now I'm 50 and unemployed, the market sucks and I have lost about 40% of the value of my 401k over the last 2 market dumps. I am nervous because boomers will be pulling $ out of the market and because of the dollar dive and the intrinsic feeling that the good ol' US of A is on it's decline in many ways. I was trying to hold out for a rebound, knowing about the big settlements Amex recently won from MC and VISA, and the fact that they did not invest in any of the stinky sub-prime loans, but I fear they are just lumped together with everyone else in the "finance" category. Now I just don't know about much, except that I don't want to lose any more, but am loathe to transfer into something else and kiss $70K good-bye (even though the return will most likely be better).