
Waiters under 21...alcohol handling question?

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If someone under the age of 21 in the US, works at a restaurant and a customer orders an alcoholic drink....can the underage waiter bring it to them?

I know they cannot actually make the drink...but can they bring it to the table?

It's so hard to word this and this is probably a stupid question, but I don't know the answer.




  1. In Nebraska you can make/serve drinks at 19.

  2. Check with your state's Alcohol Laws.  Most states you can serve an acoholic drink at age 18, but you can not make an alcholic drink.

  3. You are permitted to serve alcoholic beverages if you are under 21. You're even permitted to be a bartender under the age of 21.

    Think about it, it's not like you're drinking that persons drink then serving it to them. That would be repulsive.

  4. You only have to be 21 to consume alchoholic beverages (or in my state of WI you can be younger as long as you are with a parent or guardian). You can start selling, serving and preparing alchoholic drinks at age 18. The assumption is that you won't be drinking them you'll be serving them. Since most places require that you be 18 to wait tables at all, it isn't usually an issue.

  5. You can serve liquor at 18, but to get behind the bar and pour the drink yourself you have to be 21.

  6. You can serve and make drinks in most states at the age of 18. That means you can become a bartender at the age of 18. I know, I have been a bartender for years.

  7. in some states they can not even handle the liqueur. Period

  8. You have to be 18 to sell or serve alcohol.

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